Resolution to Approve a Cost Sharing Agreement with the Downtown Development Authority for the Purchase of an Electric Street Sweeper and to Appropriate ($129,222.50 DDA share of $258,445.00 total) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve a cost sharing agreement with the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority ("DDA") for the purchase an electric street sweeper to clear debris from bikeway facilities that are narrower than 10 feet in width.
In 2019, the DDA and City began building a downtown bikeway network that is meant to improve safety and rideability for cyclists. A two-way separated bike lane on William Street was installed and today there are more than six miles of bikeways in the City. However, since installation, there have been issues with illegal access by vehicles in the bikeways. To combat this issue, the DDA wishes to install centerline delineators along the bikeways. Additionally, the City desires to install bikeways outside of the downtown that are narrower than 10 feet in width. These narrower bikeways require smaller equipment than what the City has in its sweeper fleet.
Bikeways must be routinely swept to remove dirt and debris from the bikeway and prevent it from entering the City's storm drains. The City and the DDA researched small sweeping equipment and elected to purchase what will be the City's first electric street sweeper. An electric sweeper will reduce carbon emissions in the DDA and advance the City's carbon neutrality goals. The purchase is consistent with many of the City's established sustainability efforts including the Green Fleets Policy and the A2 ZERO Plan. Council is being asked to approve the purchase of this sweeper under a separate resolution.
The City and the DDA have agreed to share the cost of this sweeper and trailer that will be used in the downtown and on future bikeway installations outside of the downtown.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The sweeper an...
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