Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project ($385,780.00 Amendment, $834,814.00 Contract Total)
Attached for your approval, please find a resolution to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. (Wade Trim) in the amount of $385,780.00 for additional engineering design effort, as well as construction engineering and surveying support services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project.
In December 2021, the City entered into an agreement with Wade Trim for design engineering, permitting, and public engagement services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project for $449,034.00. This amendment would bring the total services amount with Wade Trim to $834,814.00.
Additional Engineering Design ($228,659.00)
A number of scope changes were made to the original contract, as well as a number of design changes (redesigns), at the request of staff; based on stakeholder feedback and value engineering. The project evolved to capture opportunities to upgrade the State and Hill Streets corridors as much as was feasible in accordance with the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero Master Transportation Plan. All scope and design changes, some of which will be offset by project savings, were adequately addressed by Wade Trim; however, the overall additional efforts by Wade Trim resulted in costs in excess of the engineering contract amount. Wade Trim's pre-construction design work is now complete, and all additional costs associated with their design work are included in the proposed amendment. A summary of the additional work is given below:
* Upgrades to Intersections ($114,822.00)
o The addition of curbed bumpouts for reduced lengths of crosswalks;
o The reconfiguration of signalized intersection quadrants to allow for the future installation of Audible Pedest...
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