Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project ($385,780.00 Amendment, $834,814.00 Contract Total)
Attached for your approval, please find a resolution to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. (Wade Trim) in the amount of $385,780.00 for additional engineering design effort, as well as construction engineering and surveying support services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project.
In December 2021, the City entered into an agreement with Wade Trim for design engineering, permitting, and public engagement services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project for $449,034.00. This amendment would bring the total services amount with Wade Trim to $834,814.00.
Additional Engineering Design ($228,659.00)
A number of scope changes were made to the original contract, as well as a number of design changes (redesigns), at the request of staff; based on stakeholder feedback and value engineering. The project evolved to capture opportunities to upgrade the State and Hill Streets corridors as much as was feasible in accordance with the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero Master Transportation Plan. All scope and design changes, some of which will be offset by project savings, were adequately addressed by Wade Trim; however, the overall additional efforts by Wade Trim resulted in costs in excess of the engineering contract amount. Wade Trim’s pre-construction design work is now complete, and all additional costs associated with their design work are included in the proposed amendment. A summary of the additional work is given below:
• Upgrades to Intersections ($114,822.00)
o The addition of curbed bumpouts for reduced lengths of crosswalks;
o The reconfiguration of signalized intersection quadrants to allow for the future installation of Audible Pedestrian Signals (APS), or “APS-ready”;
o The widening of the Hoover and State intersection to allow for the continuity of dedicated bike lanes at the intersection;
o The reconfiguration of the U of M Parking Garage and Loading Dock approaches for reduced length of pedestrian conflict;
o The addition of pedestrian signals for crossing Arbor Street near the State and Packard intersection;
o The addition of “No Turn on Red” designations to signalized intersections as directed by City Council Resolution R-22-325;
o The analysis and elimination of left turn lanes on Hill Street for continuity of dedicated bike lanes at the intersections; and
o The consolidation of bus stop locations and upgrading to ADA compliance.
• Redesigns Needed to Incorporate Stakeholder Feedback and Value Engineering ($79,308.00)
o On-street parking location options, and ultimately the removal of parking;
o Maintenance of traffic direction preference and phasing;
o Use of MDOT specifications in lieu of previously preferred Ann Arbor special provisions; and
o Pavement replacement evaluation.
• Utility Maintenance ($20,349.00)
o Signs and Signals infrastructure;
o Drainage analysis for potential flooding mitigation;
o Sanitary sewer remediation; and
o Broken manhole cover during survey.
• Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Unforeseen Requirements ($14,180)
o The submittal of a Design Exception Request for reduced lane widths along the corridors; and
o The separation of State Street and Hill Street Program Applications and Cost Estimating.
Construction Engineering, Staking, and Layout Phase ($157,121.00)
Construction is expected April 2023 through September 2023. Because Wade Trim prepared the design and is most familiar with the project, they are best suited to provide the construction phase engineering and surveying support services. Wade Trim will provide construction engineering assistance on an as-needed basis, including providing feedback to contractor’s requests for clarification and preparing field design changes ($59,836.00).
This amount also includes construction staking and layout, as well as monument witnessing and resetting, throughout the project duration. The contractor coordinates requests for this work through the City’s on-site inspector in advance of needed staking and layout, as standard procedures require ($97,285.00).
The above $385,780.00 of additional work is the amount of the proposed Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement. This brings the total services amount with Wade Trim for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project to $834,814.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for this work is identified in the Capital Improvements Plan. The identified projects TR-SC-18-08 and TR-OT-22-03 funded by the Street, Bridge, Sidewalk Millage Fund; UT-WS-18-56 and UT-WS-16-30 funded by the Water Supply System Fund; and TR-OT-22-03 funded by the Major Streets Fund, in addition contributions will be made by the Stormwater Fund, and the Sewage Disposal Fund.
Prepared by: Nick Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The City added additional services to the original contract scope with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. as necessary to best address the project goals;
Whereas, Construction engineering and construction staking services are required for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project on an as-needed basis;
Whereas, Wade Trim Associates, Inc. has demonstrated the required experience, personnel, and competitive fees to provide these services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project;
Whereas, Wade Trim Associates, Inc. provided design engineering services for the project and therefore have an in-depth understanding of the project design;
Whereas, Wade Trim Associates, Inc. complies with the requirements of the non-discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances; and
Whereas, Funding for this amendment is available in the appropriate approved capital budgets;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approves Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. in the amount of $385,780.00 for additional design and construction engineering services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project;
RESOLVED, That the City make the following declaration for the purposes of complying with the reimbursement rules of Treasury Regulations 1.150-2 pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that the City reasonably expect to reimburse itself for expenditures for the costs of the Project with proceeds of Bonds;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney, and approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That Council authorizes the City Administrator to take necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.