Resolution to Approve an Agreement with the Downtown Development Authority for the South Main Street Watermain and Resurfacing Project ($119,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to authorize an agreement with the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority ("DDA") to participate in construction costs for the South Main Street (Huron to William) Watermain and Resurfacing Project.
The South Main Street Water Main Replacement and Resurfacing Project, from E. William St. to E. Huron St. includes the following elements and (funding sources):
* Replacement of water main and related appurtenances (Water Supply System Funds)
* Selected stormwater system improvements (Stormwater Funds)
* Road resurfacing, intermittent curb replacements, selected bump-out additions, sidewalk and ramp replacements, and APS-ready pedestrian signal improvements (Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Funds)
* Sanitary sewer extension and repairs (Sanitary Sewer Funds)
* Sanitary service to connect 353 South Main Street Project (Ann Arbor Housing Commission (AAHC) Funds)
* Irrigation meter pits and related improvements (DDA Funds)
Some of the above scope items were added to the project at the request of other entities. Specifically, the irrigation meter pits and related improvements were requested by the DDA, who will fund that portion of the project.
The City and DDA coordinate infrastructure improvements through the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process. In coordination of work elements, it is an ideal time to replace irrigation services, meter pits, and irrigation connections that align with the DDA responsibilities set forth with the recent State Street Project, which began the DDA taking over the restoration and maintenance of irrigation systems. The DDA has sought to upgrade the services and connection equipment to the irrigation system that supports the tree planters on both sides of South Main Street. These upgrades will improve maintenance an...
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