Resolution to Approve a General Services Agreement with Aclara Technologies LLC for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrades and Water Meter and Meter Transmission Unit Supply ($5,724,818.00, RFP No. 18-27) and Appropriate Sewage Disposal Share ($2,862,409.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for approval is a resolution to enter a contract with Aclara Technologies LLC ("Aclara") in the amount of $5,724,818.00 for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrades and Water Meter and Meter Transmission Unit Supply. This amount includes the bid price of $5,204,418.00 and a 10% contingency of $520,400.00.
This contract is part of the overall Water Meter Replacement Program to replace 26,650 water meters and meter transmission units (MTUs) throughout the City and make network upgrades to improve data communication. The data communicated provides usage data for the purposes of billing for both water and sewer. The Meter Replacement Program is necessary due to anticipated battery failure of existing MTUs which were installed in with the previous meter replacement program in 2004 and 2005. MTUs installed during that period had a projected battery life of 15 years, and recent actual MTU battery life data have confirmed that the MTU batteries are beginning to fail. Water meters installed during this same time period are also nearing the end of their useful life. An MTU battery or water meter failure will result in a loss or inaccurate water/sewer use data.
Aclara will upgrade its existing wireless Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network to the latest two-way communication technology and also supply all necessary MTUs and ultrasonic water meters for the Water Meter Replacement Program.
In response to Request for Proposals No. 18-27, five (5) proposals were received on October 18, 2018. Aclara was selected by City staff as best suited to provide the upgrades to the existing Aclara AMI Network and to supply new MTUs and water meters. A summary of the prop...
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