An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code), Rezoning of 190 Parcels in the W Stadium and N Maple Area to TC1 (Transit Corridor District), City-Initiated Rezoning, (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 6 Yeas and 0 Nays) (ORD-22-16)
Approval of this ordinance will rezone 190 parcels in the West Stadium Boulevard and North/South Maple Road area to TC1 (Transit Corridor District). Each tax parcel is listed in the attached ordinance with its address and existing zoning designation. A map of the proposed district is also attached. This rezoning is pursuant to the directions and recommendations of the Planning Commission and City Council in Resolution R-20-439 (Legistar File 20-1676) to identify and consider geographic areas to apply the recently created TC1 zoning district, which was also directed and recommended in that same resolution.
• About the TC1 District: The TC1 district was created as a meaningful, achievable, and realistic way to simultaneously address a variety of different but related goals expressed in the eight document that comprise the Comprehensive Plan, such as sustainability, access and choice in housing, housing affordability, reducing vehicle miles traveled, relieving vehicle congestion, supporting existing transit service, and supporting and expanding nonmotorized transportation. The TC1 district was adopted as an amendment to the Unified Development Code and became effective, or available for application, in July 2021 (Ordinance No. ORD-21-19). More background and information about establishing the TC1 district is available on the project website at <https://www.a2gov.org/departments/planning/Pages/Proposed-Transit-Oriented-Zoning-District.aspx>
• About the Rezoning Process: The area of West Stadium Boulevard and North/South Maple Road was recommended for TC1 designation by the Planning Commission as part of its recommendation to City Council adopt the TC1 zoning district itself. The proposed rezoning area was first identified by staff and affirmed by the Planning Commission’s Ordinance Revisions Committee. Introductory and informational meetings were held on June 9, 2022 (in-person at the Westgate Branch Library) and June 14, 2022 (ZOOM webinar) for all owners, residents, and tenants inside and extending 1000 feet from the proposed rezoning area as well as anyone interested in city planning and zoning. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 16, 2022. More background and information about this city-initiated rezoning to TC1 is available on the project webpage at www.a2gov.org/tc1rezoningstadium and clicking here: <https://www.a2gov.org/departments/planning/Pages/City-Initiated-TC1-Rezoning----Stadium-Boulevard-Area.aspx>
• About the Proposed District: An area of approximately 210 acres is proposed to be rezoned, comprised of 190 tax parcels. The average parcel size is about 1 acre (43,560 square feet). Current zoning designations include C1 (Local Business), C1B (Community Convenience Center), C2B (Business Service), C3 (Fringe Commercial), M1 (Limited Industrial), O (Office), P (Parking) and PUD (Planned Unit Development). The proposed rezoning area, broadly speaking, contains numerous small strip malls, freestanding stores, and two large shopping centers, with parking in front. Although all parcels are developed, floor area to lot area ratios are very low.
• Comprehensive Plan Comments: Approval of this rezoning petition will further a variety of Comprehensive Plan goals and recommendations, such as
o Reducing reliance on the automobile (Land Use Element Goal B)
o Locating higher density residential densities near mass transit routes and in proximity to commercial, employment and activity centers (Land Use Element Goal B, Objective 1)
o Encourage commercial and employment centers to promote pedestrian activity and support mixed-use ‘village’ centers in existing commercial areas to provide new residential opportunities and designs where parking lots are not the dominant feature (Land Use Element Goal E, including Objectives 1 and 2)
o Create a transit-oriented district for a signature corridor and designate a portion of the city with design guidelines and building form regulations to guide redevelopment that support transit and active transportation (Transportation Plan)
• Staff Comments: Approval of this rezoning, in addition to furthering Comprehensive Plan goals across all elements, will enable the area to consistently, predictably, and more uniformly redevelop when uniformly zoned.
• Planning Commission Discussion: The Planning Commission did note, because of the area’s shallow depth between the street curbs and the right-of-way edges, there are virtually no street trees along this corridor and sight-distance is limited at driveways if buildings have 0 to 10 feet of setback. These conditions were not identified as a barrier to rezoning, yet should be considered on a site plan-by-site plan basis depending on each redevelopment proposal for adherence to development standards and specifications. The Planning Commission did not discuss any particular address to exclude or include from the proposed rezoning area although such requests were made by correspondence.
Attachments: August 16, 2022 Planning Staff Report
August 16, 2022 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared by: Alexis DiLeo City Planner
Reviewed by: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)