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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 12/5/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers
This meeting will be broadcast live on CTN Cable Channel 16, ATT Channel 99, and online at Public commentary can be made in person or by calling: 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099 Enter Meeting ID 942 1273 2148
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-1961 1AC-112/5/22 Human Services Partnership Program MemoReport or Communication Memorandum Regarding New Human Services Partnership Program - November 30, 2022Received and Filed  Action details Not available
22-1969 1AC-212/5/22 Agenda Response Memo and eComments - December 5, 2022Report or Communication Agenda Response Memo and eComments - December 5, 2022Received and Filed  Action details Not available
22-1985 1AC-312/5/22 City Administrator's Report - December 5, 2022Report or Communication City Administrator’s Report - December 5, 2022Received and Filed  Action details Not available
22-1823 1INT-112/5/22 Independent Community Police Oversight Commission (ICPOC) Monthly UpdateIntroductionIndependent Community Police Oversight Commission (ICPOC) Monthly UpdateReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
22-1905 1CC-1Resolution to Appoint Anya Dale and Maisie Weyhing to the Environmental CommissionResolutionResolution to Appoint Anya Dale and Maisie Weyhing to the Environmental Commission (7 Votes Required)Referred  Action details Not available
22-1783 1MC-1Nominations and Appointments for December 5, 2022AppointmentAppointments - ConfirmationsReferred  Action details Not available
22-1784 1MC-2Resolution to Appoint Julie Lynch to the Employees Retirement System Board of TrusteesResolutionResolution to Appoint Julie Lynch to the Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees (7 Votes Required)Referred  Action details Not available
22-1986 1MC-312/19/2022 Resolution the Remove Kristen Cato from the Renters Commission and Appoint Jaymie TibbitsResolutionResolution the Remove Kristen Cato from the Renters Commission and Appoint Jaymie TibbitsReferred  Action details Not available
22-1824 1CA-112/5/22 Barton Bandemer ConnectionResolutionResolution to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County for the Bandemer-Barton Trail and Underpass ProjectApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1912 1CA-212/5/22 MDNRGM for BuhrResolutionResolution to Approve a Spark Grant Application to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Grants Management for Improvements at the Buhr Park Ice ArenaApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1775 1CA-312/5/22 - Doan Change Order 1 for 2022 Annual Sidewalk ReplacementResolutionResolution to Approve Change Order No. 1 with Doan Construction Co. for the 2022 Annual Sidewalk and Ramp Repair Project ($200,678.81, Total Contract Amount $772,641.94; ITB 4677)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1903 1CA-512/5/22 Renewal of City's Contract with EyeMed Vision Care LLCResolutionResolution to Approve the Amendment and Renewal of the City’s Contract with EyeMed Vision Care LLC to Provide Vision Benefit Coverage to City Employees and their Eligible Dependents, and to Authorize the City Administrator to Execute the Necessary Documentation ($340,000.00 for a forty-eight (48) month policy period, through 12/31/2026)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1815 1CA-611/21/22 Maple Cove Utility EasementsResolutionResolution to Accept Sanitary and Water Easements and Approve an Easement Agreement at Maple Village Condominium (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1906 1CA-812/5/22 HVA Professional Services Agreement for Basic Life Support AmbulanceResolutionResolution to Renew the Professional Services Agreement with Huron Valley Ambulance, Inc. for the Provision of a Basic Life Support AmbulanceApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1909 1CA-712/5/22 ARPA ReallocationResolutionResolution to Approve the Reallocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) FundsApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1788 1CA-412/5/22 High Level Trunkline Sewer Lining Ph. 2ResolutionResolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for the High Level Trunkline Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase 2 Project ($4,242,055.60)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1929 1A-112/05/22 - November 21 City Council MinutesMinutesRegular Session Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2022ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1797 1DC-1Resolution to Reappoint Sarah Mason as Representative and Molly Maciejewski as Alternate to the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management AuthorityResolutionResolution to Reappoint Sarah Mason as Representative and Molly Maciejewski as Alternate to the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority (7 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1925 1DC-212/5/22 - Approval of Council RulesResolutionResolution to Adopt City Council Rules Following the 2022 General ElectionApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1940 1DC-312/5/22 Resolution to Approve 2023 Council Committee AppointmentsResolutionResolution to Approve 2023 Council Committee AppointmentsApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1950 1DC-412/5/22 Resolution to Approve the 2023 Council CalendarResolutionResolution to Approve 2023 Council CalendarApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1960 2DC-512/5/22 - Direct CPC regarding TC1ResolutionResolution to Direct Planning Commission Following Stadium/Maple Rezoning toTC-1   Action details Not available
22-1960 3 12/5/22 - Direct CPC regarding TC1ResolutionResolution to Direct Planning Commission Following Stadium/Maple Rezoning toTC-1AmendedPass Action details Not available
22-1960 3 12/5/22 - Direct CPC regarding TC1ResolutionResolution to Direct Planning Commission Following Stadium/Maple Rezoning toTC-1Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
22-1970 1DC-612/5/22 - Motion to Suspend Council Rules and Reconsider State Trunkline Transfer StudyReport or Communication Motion to Suspend Council Rule 13 in Order to Reconsider the Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC (RFP 22-57; $134,271.00) and Appropriate Funds for the State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer Study ($160,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1465 1 9/19/22 State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer StudyResolutionResolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC (RFP 22-57; $134,271.00) and Appropriate Funds for the State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer Study ($160,000.00) (8 Votes Required)ReconsideredPass Action details Not available
22-1465 1 9/19/22 State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer StudyResolutionResolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC (RFP 22-57; $134,271.00) and Appropriate Funds for the State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer Study ($160,000.00) (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1908 1DS-112/5/22 - Purchase Ambulance from Emergency Vehicles PlusResolutionResolution to Authorize the Purchase of a 2023 Road Rescue Ultramedic III Ambulance from Emergency Vehicles Plus Inc. (HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement - $295,085.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1921 1E-112/5/22 DTE Communication U-21193Report or Communication Communication from the State of Michigan Public Service Commission Regarding Notice of a Hearing for Electric Customers of DTE Electric Company in Case No. U-21193 Scheduled for December 1, 2022 - Sustainability - City AttorneyApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1922 1E-212/5/22 DTE Communication U-21259Report or Communication Communication from the State of Michigan Public Service Commission Regarding Notice of a Hearing for Electric Customers of DTE Electric Company in Case No. U-21259 Scheduled for November 30, 2022 - Sustainability - City AttorneyApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1923 1E-312/5/22 EGLE COC No. MIG760068Report or Communication Communication from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Water Resources Division, Regarding the Public Notice Documents for the Racquet Club of Ann Arbor, NPDES COC No. MIG760068 - Ann Arbor Public Services - SustainabilityApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1926 1E-412/5/22 Washtenaw County Canvass of Nov 2022Report or Communication Communication from Washtenaw County Board of Canvassers Regarding the Canvass of Votes Cast at the November 8, 2022 General ElectionApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1935 1E-512/5/22 Cynthia Harrison - Resignation from the Independent Community Police Oversight CommissionReport or Communication Cynthia Harrison - Resignation from the Independent Community Police Oversight Commission.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1936 1E-612/5/22 Eric Mahler - Resignation from the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority BoardReport or Communication Eric Mahler - Resignation from the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority Board.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1416 1F-1COC Draft Minutes July 7, 2022MinutesCouncil of the Commons Meeting Minutes, July 7, 2022ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1483 1F-2August 3, 2022 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesMinutesAugust 3, 2022 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1484 1F-3August 16, 2022 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesMinutesAugust 16, 2022 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1670 1F-4HRC September 2022 Meeting MinutesMinutesHRC September 2022 Meeting MinutesApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1887 1F-5AAHC Board Minutes Oct 19 2022MinutesAnn Arbor Housing Commission Board Minutes October 19, 2022ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1901 1F-6Cable Communication Commission May 2022 Meeting MinutesMinutesCable Communication Commission May 2022 Meeting MinutesApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1805 1F-7COC Draft Minutes October 6, 2022MinutesCouncil of the Commons Draft Minutes October 6, 2022ApprovedPass Action details Not available