Resolution to Approve the Amendment Number 1 to the Legal Services Agreement with Rosati, Schultz, Joppich & Amtsbeuchler, PC Relative to City Projects Requiring the Acquisition of Easements or Other Property Interests (Amendment $150,000.00; Total $300,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve Amendment Number 1 to the legal services agreement with Rosati, Schultz, Joppich & Amtsbeuchler, PC in the amount of $150,000.00 for additional legal services relative to City projects requiring the acquisition of easements or other property interests, making the total amount for the agreement $300,000.00.
On February 20, 2024, City Council authorized a legal services agreement with Rosati, Schultz, Joppich & Amtsbeuchler, PC in the amount of $150,000.00 to assist the City in obtaining easements and other property interests for several capital improvement projects: i) Lyn Anne Arbana Sewer Project; ii) Nixon Corridor Improvement Project; iii) South Boulevard Water Looping New Construction Project and the South Boulevard Lift Station Elimination and Gravity Sewer New Construction and Replacement Project; and iv) South Main Sidewalk Gap Elimination Project. These projects are all time-sensitive and involve complex legal and valuation issues and require more legal services than initially expected. Since the approval of the legal services agreement, Rosati, Schultz, Joppich & Amtsbeuchler, PC has assisted the City in these acquisition matters and has nearly exhausted the original $150,000.00 not to exceed amount for legal services.
The matters are ongoing and require additional legal services to complete the acquisitions, and the City Attorney's Office requests approval of Amendment Number 1 to the Legal Services Agreement with Rosati, Schultz, Joppich & Amtsbeuchler, PC in the amount of $150,000.00 for a total contract amount of $300,000.00 for legal services in support of City projects requiring the acquisition of easemen...
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