Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Fishbeck for Engineering Design Services for the Pontiac Trail Roundabouts Project ($898,179.00) (RFP No. 24-12)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Fishbeck for $898,179.00 for the engineering design of the Pontiac Trail Roundabouts.
This project will ultimately construct two roundabouts along Pontiac Trail at the intersections of Dhu Varren and Moore/Longshore. This project originated out of the Lowertown Transportation Study, which was completed in 2022. The construction of roundabouts at these two locations was highly recommended by this study. They will simultaneously increase the efficiency of traffic operations and increase pedestrian and bicycle safety, as roundabouts are considered to be a proven safety countermeasure.
Design work for the two locations will occur simultaneously through this contract. The full scope of work, with applicable Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) numbers in parentheses, for the two locations is as follows:
Roundabout installations (TR-SC-24-03, TR-SC-24-04)
* Construct a roundabout at Pontiac Trail and Dhu Varren
* Construct a roundabout at Pontiac Trail/ Moore/ Longshore
* One-way to two-way conversion on Moore Street
* Traffic Signal reconfiguration to accommodate two-way traffic on Moore at Broadway
* Resurface Longshore from Pontiac Trail to Wright Street
Watermain (UT-WS-24-21)
* Extend watermain to the limits of construction along Dhu Varren west of Pontiac Trail.
* Replace watermain under railroad tracks on: Pontiac Trail, Longshore and Wright
* Replace watermain along Longshore; Pontiac Trail to Wright
* Replace watermain along Wright; Longshore to just south of railroad tracks
Sanitary Sewer (UT-SN-24-20)
* Extend sewer to the limits of the construction along Dhu Varren west of Pontiac Trail
Stormwater Improvements (UT-ST-25-01)
* Include storm water qua...
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