Resolution to Appropriate and Increase the FY 24 Planning Department General Fund Budget by $699,110.00 (8 Votes Required)
The FY 23 Approved Planning Department General Fund Budget included $699,110.00 for the development of the City’s required Comprehensive Plan (“Plan”).
On April 17, 2023 City Council approved Resolution R-23-131, authorizing a professional services agreement with Interface Studios LLC to complete the Plan. The work authorized did not commence prior to the end of the fiscal year; therefore, an appropriation of the unspent FY 23 funding to the FY 24 budget is necessary to fund the development of the Plan.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance.
Prepared by: Eric Rabb, Budget Analyst
Reviewed by: Marti Praschan, Chief Financial Officer
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Funding in the amount of $699,110.00 was included in the approved FY 23 Planning Department General Fund Budget for purposes of funding the development of the City’s Comprehensive Plan;
Whereas, A professional services agreement to complete the City’s Comprehensive Plan was approved by City Council on April 17, 2023 via Resolution R-23-131, and
Whereas, Funding is available in the General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance;
RESOLVED, That City Council appropriate $699,110.00 to the FY 24 General Fund Planning Department Budget for the purpose of development of the City’s Comprehensive Plan with the source of funding being the General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance; and
RESOLVED, That City Council approve these funds to be spent without regard to fiscal year.