Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the Pittsfield Village Improvements Project ($1,140,971.00) (RFP 23-34)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM) for $ 1,140,971.00 for the engineering design of the Pittsfield Village Improvements Project (see attached map for the area covered by this project). This project is a composite of several Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) projects including:
Water Main (UT-WS-20-09)
* Upsizing of approximately 9,100 feet of aging water main. A small portion of the water mains within Pittsfield Village were already replaced in 2007.
Sanitary Sewer (UT-SN-20-01; UT-SN-18-07)
* Upsizing of approximately 1,700 feet of existing 8" to 12" in Norwood to improve wet weather capacity and reduce the likelihood of basement backups.
* Rehabilitation of other aging sanitary sewers and manholes as identified in the 2023 Pittsfield Village Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Evaluation Survey (Attachment A in the PSA).
Street Improvements (TR-SC-24-10)
* Address pavement condition; determine whether roads need resurfacing or reconstruction.
* Consider filling sidewalk gap on Whitewood Street.
* Implement All Ages and Abilities (A3) bike corridor (Edgewood to Pittsfield to Washtenaw).
Stormwater Improvements (UT-ST-22-02; UT-ST-18-06)
* Rehabilitation of aging storm sewers and structures as identified in the 2023 Pittsfield Village Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Evaluation Survey (Attachment A in the PSA).
* Evaluate stormwater improvements to improve street/surface flooding in Parkwood/Pittsfield area as identified in the 2015 Stormwater Hydraulic Model Calibration and Analysis Project.
* Incorporate recently constructed (2015) stormwater detention at 3500 Washtenaw into evaluation of stormwater management opportunities.
* Evalu...
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