Resolution to Approve 1601 S. State - South Town Site Plan and Development Agreement (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of the 1601 S State - South Town Site Plan, redeveloping the block bounded by South State Street on the west, Henry Street on the north, White Street on the east, and Stimson Street on the south with a building having two multi-story towers on top of a single-story podium creating a development with over 200,000 square feet including ground floor commercial and resident amenity space, 216 apartments on the upper floors, and a 54-space parking garage within the podium.
* The South Town project has three components: 1) a petition to rezone the 1.7-acre block to C1A/R With Conditions, 2) a petition to vacate the unimproved public alley in the northern half of this block, and 3) a site plan with development agreement.
* The site plan shows a building having 246,670 square feet. The design utilizes the pedestrian area floor area premium and has been granted a variance by the Zoning Board of Appeals to exclude floor area used for at-grade parking from the FAR calculation. With the premium floor area and the granted variance, the site plan meets the FAR standards of the C1A/R Campus Business Residential Zoning District.
* The site plan includes permitted setback alternatives provided in the Unified Development Code to have front setbacks along its four street sides ranging from 5 feet to 10 feet at minimum. The front setbacks are greater in many locations because of variations in the building design.
* In addition to meeting the minimum front setback standards (including permitted alternatives), the overall design provides at least 19 feet between the back of the curb and the building face. This dimension meets the Downtown Street Design Manual guidelines for destination streets, which were utilized to allow for sufficient pedestrian and amenity z...
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