Resolution Authorizing the City Attorney to Take Legal Action to Enforce the City’s 2006 Settlement Agreement with Gelman Sciences, Inc.
Whereas, In 2004 and 2005, the City filed actions in state and federal courts against Gelman, Sciences, Inc. regarding 1,4-dioxane released at and migrating from Gelman’s property, and in 2006, the parties entered into a Settlement Agreement in which Gelman agreed to compensate the City, monitor water quality, and undertake certain activities; and
Whereas, The City has made various attempts to ensure Gelman’s compliance with the activities outlined in the 2006 Settlement Agreement but Gelman has refused to comply with its obligations, including installation of certain monitoring wells;
RESOLVED, That City Council authorize the City Attorney to take legal action to enforce the City’s rights under the 2006 Settlement Agreement with Gelman Sciences, Inc.