Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of Underground Inspection Equipment from Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. (Sourcewell - $151,486.00)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing the purchase of Underground Inspection Equipment for $151,486.00 from Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. of Northville, MI.
Public Works performs periodic condition assessments of the sanitary and storm sewer systems. The equipment necessary to record video and rate the condition of these pipes is housed in a box truck and includes various camera heads, tractors, an automated reel and a computer system. This equipment was purchased in 2016 and is in need of replacement due to age and wear that is leading to frequent breakdowns and costly repairs.
Competitive bids were received by the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program and RapidView LLC was awarded contract #120721-RVL for Underground Inspection and Rehabilitation Equipment with Related Services. RapidView LLC and its dealer, Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. of Northville, MI are the sole source for RapidView IBAK pipeline inspection and rehabilitation equipment and parts in the state of Michigan.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The purchase will be funded 90% by Sanitary Sewer Fund and 10% by the Stormwater Fund. This percentage is based on vehicle usage data of the televising truck the equipment will be installed on. Funding for the purchase of this sewer televising and inspection equipment is available in the FY23 Operations and Maintenance Budget of the Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Funds.
Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. complies with the City's non-discrimination ordinance.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Assistant Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Brian Steglitz. Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Public Works needs to purchase new underground inspection equi...
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