Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Metro Controls, Inc. for the Wheeler Service Center Building Management System Modernization Project (RFP 22-65, $131,200.00), and to Appropriate $131,200.00 from the Wheeler Service Center Fund Balance (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing the award of a construction contract to Metro Controls, Inc. in the amount of $131,200.00 for the Wheeler Service Center Building Management System Modernization project and to appropriate $131,200.00 from the unobligated Wheeler Service Center Fund balance.
The Wheeler Service Center has three buildings with control systems that communicate to a centralized management system which is outdated and no longer supported. This management system controls heating and cooling, air quality, occupancy compliance and energy management functions for the facility.
Wheeler Facility Controlled Units
1. Operations Building - 38,620 sq. feet
? (5) Energy Recovery Units
? (5) Roof Top Units
? (24) VAV Terminal Units including (1) currently unmanaged
? (3) Lighting Control Integration zones
? Generator Interface
2. Vehicle Storage Building - 81,651 sq. feet
? (5) Make Up Air Units
? (5) Exhaust Fans
? (2) Lighting Control Integration zones
? Generator Interface
3. Vehicle Wash Building - 2,850 sq. feet
? (1) Roof Top Unit
? (2) Radiant Heat Zones currently unmanaged
Modernization of building management systems is a typical maintenance activity that improves the energy performance of the buildings. This project will replace a system that was installed in 2007 and is no longer supported by the manufacturer or the computer operating system. Additionally, the current, outdated system is vulnerable to cyber security threats and replacement parts are difficult to find. A new system will resolve all of these issues and result in more efficient building operating systems.
The schedule anticipates construction ...
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