Resolution to Prohibit On-Street Parking on the North Side of Scio Church Road between South Maple Road and Greenview Drive
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve the prohibition of on-street parking on the north side of Scio Church Road between S Maple Road and Greenview Drive.
The Scio Church Road Improvements Project, scheduled for construction in 2021, includes a small amount of watermain work and will resurface the roadway, replace some curb and gutter, replace some sidewalk ramps for ADA compliance, add crosswalks to improve pedestrian access, and fill in some existing sidewalk gaps.
Following the recommendations from the City's Non-motorized Transportation Plan, staff is seeking to add bike lanes on Scio Church Road between Maple Road and Greenview Drive as part of the project. In order to incorporate the bike lanes on this segment of road, it is necessary to eliminate on-street parking from the north side of the road. The remaining portion of the road already has bike lanes on it, and those will remain.
Options for the proposed street and bike lane layout of Scio Church between Maple Road and Seventh Street were presented to the public at a meeting on January 29, 2020. Residents were surveyed at that public meeting, online through A2 Open City Hall, and by a postcard survey to property owners adjacent to the existing on-street parking. Residents were asked whether the City should eliminate on-street parking on the north side of Scio Church Road between Maple Road and Greenview Drive for the installation of bike lanes. Additional feedback was also encouraged through the City's project manager.
Forty-eight (48) neighborhood residents took the survey at the public meeting, one hundred and forty-six (146) surveys were taken online at A2 Open City Hall, and seventeen (17) postcard surveys were received back from adjacent property owners. The results of these surveys are shown below. The results can ...
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