Resolution to Establish a Project Budget for the Gallup Vehicle Bridge Replacement Project and Appropriate Funds in the Amount of $145,000.00 (8 Votes Required)
This resolution requests that $145,000.00 be appropriated to the expenditure budget of the FY2020 Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage for the purpose of the Gallup Vehicle Bridge replacement project with the source of revenue being the transfer from the Parks & Recreation General Fund as a result of the "Parks Fairness Resolution."
The City budget for Fiscal Year 2020 was approved May 20, 2019 by Council. As a part of the budget process, Parks received an additional $389,168.00 in funding for Fiscal Year 2020, as a result of what is commonly known as the "Parks Fairness Resolution". This is the result of a Council-adopted policy for the administration of the Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements millage that states that if future increases occur in the City's General Fund budget during any of the six years of this Millage, beginning with FY 2019-2020, that the General Fund budget supporting the Parks and Recreation system for that year will be increased at the same rate as the average percentage increase of the total City General Fund budget. In previous years Parks has received smaller amounts that have generally been allocated towards operational needs during the fiscal year (e.g. Outdoor ice-skating rinks, additional livery staffing in the summer). Given the larger amount this year, PAC thought it prudent to recommend how the $389,168.00 in additional funding should be allocated. Because the Gallup vehicle bridge is a critical infrastructure piece for the popular Gallup Park, PAC recommends setting aside $145,000.00 to assist in funding its replacement. As a result, $145,000.00 was transferred from the Parks General Fund budget to the Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage budget in order to set up a multiyear project budget.
The last round of park b...
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