Resolution to Approve The Garnet PUD Site Plan and Development Agreement, 325 East Summit Street (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a 16,790 square foot residential condominium building.
Petition Summary:
* The Site Plan proposes a ten-unit building with eleven vehicular and 18 bicycle parking spaces below the building. Storm water management for the first flush volume is required. Storm water will be captured by a green roof with a minimum size of 3,075 square feet that will cover much of the building's roof. Infiltration is not proposed on the site because of known soil contamination. Mitigation has been provided for one landmark tree that would be removed on the site.
* A development agreement has been prepared to address site improvements, a park contribution of $6,250, street tree escrow, an on-site stormwater management system, testing of sump pump discharge water, and the PUD contribution to the City affordable housing fund based on City Council Resolution R-19-378 and the Unified Development Code.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of February 4, 2020, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: February 4, 2020 Planning Staff Report
February 4, 2020 Planning Commission Minutes
March 11, 2020 Draft Development Agreement
Prepared By: Jill Thacher, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved By: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The 325 East Summit Condos, LLC has requested site plan approval in order to develop The Garnet PUD Site Plan;
Whereas, A development agreement has been prepared to address site improvements, a park contribution of $6,250, street tree escrow, an on-site stormwater management system, testing of sump pump discharge water, and the PUD contribution to the City affordable housing fund;
Whereas, T...
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