Resolution to Restate the Purpose and Membership of the Ann Arbor Energy Commission
This resolution restates the purpose and membership of the Energy Commission. The Energy Commission was created on December 2, 1985 by resolution of the City Council (R-552-1-85). That resolution provided that the commission focus primarily on energy efficiency. The Energy Commission has requested that its purposes be updated and that two youth and two Council members be added to the commission as voting members. This resolution provides a broader charge to the commission to advise on energy production and use - not just energy efficiency - and adds two youth and two Council members. Although previously City Council has assigned Council members to the commission, these were nonvoting, ad hoc assignments that were not provided for in the enabling resolution.
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Ann Arbor Energy Commission was created on December 2, 1985 by resolution of the City Council (R-552-1-85); and
Whereas, The Energy Commission has requested that its purpose and membership be revised to reflect current challenges and opportunities related to energy, including climate change, issues of equity, and adding a youth perspective;
RESOLVED, The purpose and membership of the Ann Arbor Energy Commission are restated as follows:
(1) Membership. The commission shall have 15 voting members consisting of:
a. Eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council and appointed to three-year terms, which terms shall be staggered so that approximately one-third expire each year;
b. Two youth members between the ages of 16 and 25 appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council and appointed to one-year terms; and
c. Two members of the City Council, appointed by the City Council.
(2) Purpose. The commission's purpose is to advise the City Council and City Administrator on energy production ...
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