Resolution to Petition the State of Michigan Boundary Commission to Annex Various Parcels from the Charter Township of Ann Arbor, the Charter Township of Pittsfield, and Scio Township
Attached is a resolution authorizing the Community Services Area Administrator to act on behalf of the City to petition the State of Michigan Boundary Commission for annexation of various parcels from the Charter Township of Ann Arbor, the Charter Township of Pittsfield, and Scio Township.
Summary of Project:
On September 19, 2011, City Council directed staff to begin a strategic process of gradually annexing township island parcels within the City's ultimate boundary area. The resolution directed staff to initiate the annexation of properties within the ultimate boundary area.
Since then, a staff team has met regularly to identify parcels for annexation. On June 15, 2015, City Council authorized petitions for annexation of 20 parcels (R-15-215), and in October 2016, the State of Michigan Boundary Commission approved annexation of those 20 parcels within the City's ultimate boundary area. City staff has identified eighty-eight parcels in Ann Arbor, Pittsfield, and Scio Townships that would be appropriate for the second round of City initiated annexations. The second round includes 41 vacant residential parcels, four vacant commercial parcels, six commercial parcels, two private school-owned parcels, and 35 parcels with single family homes. Staff provided a memo and attachments updating Council about the City Initiated Township Island Annexation process for the August 9, 2018 City Council meeting. Staff informed property owners about this City-initiated annexation process with a letter and attachments that were mailed on August 3, 2018. Staff then hosted a public information meeting for those property owners on August 20, 2018. A summary of the meeting discussion and other materials are available on the annexation webpage (a2gov.org/annexation).
The par...
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