Resolution Awarding a Construction
Contract to Evergreen Civil, L.L.C. for the Pontiac Trail Improvements Project ($2,605,190.50; Bid No. ITB-4324)
Attached for your review and approval please find a resolution that awards a construction
contract to Evergreen Civil, L.L.C. in the amount of $2,605,190.50 for the Pontiac Trail Improvements Project.
The FY 2012-2017 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes the Pontiac Trail Improvements Project, which consists of the reconstruction of Pontiac Trail beginning just north of Skydale Drive to just south of the bridge over M14/US23. In addition to the street reconstruction, the project also includes extending water main north from Dhu Varren
Road to just south of the bridge over M14/US23, extending sanitary sewer north from Skydale Drive to just south of bridge over M14/US23, construction of new sidewalk along the east side of Pontiac Trail, and installation of bike lanes. The project will also include stormwater infiltration trenches, edge drains, and the addition of a small section of curb and gutter. The project is expected to begin in June of 2014 and be completed by fall of 2014.
Plans and specifications were made available through BidNet. Five bids were received and opened on April 14, 2014. The lowest responsible bid, in the amount of $2,605,190.50 is $169,954.50 below the engineer's estimate of $2,775,145.00. Attached is a tabulation of the bids received for the project.
Evergreen Civil, L.L.C. has received Human Rights approval and all employees of who will work on this project, will receive compensation in accordance with the Living Wage Ordinance.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Stephen D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor Adopted Capital Budget includes the Pontiac Trail Improvements Project;
Whereas, Funds are included in the app...
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