Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with LiquiForce Services (USA), Inc. for the Nichols Arboretum Sewer and Siphon Rehabilitation Project ($890,900.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution that approves a construction contract between LiquiForce Services (USA), Inc. and the City of Ann Arbor for the Nichols Arboretum Sewer and Siphon Rehabilitation Project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
The cost of this work is being funded by the approved Sewage Disposal Capital Budget as part of CIP Project UT-SN-14-06. As reported to Council on June 20, 2016, the estimated total budget for the proposed project is expected to be approximately $1,250,000.00. However, as the full extent of the work required cannot be determined until the siphon is cleaned and inspected, it may become necessary to amend the budget for the project based on the results of that inspection.
Project Description
The Nichols Arboretum Sewer and Siphon Rehabilitation Project includes the cleaning, lining, and rehabilitation of a portion of the Southside Interceptor sewer that passes through the Nichols Arboretum. Also included in the proposed work is the performance of a hands-on inspection of the flow chambers at the beginning and end of an inverted siphon that exists along the interceptor sewer. Attached, please find a drawing that depicts the affected portion of the Arboretum and the portion of the sewer that is planned to be rehabilitated. Due to the sensitive nature of the area in which this project exists, there were several challenges that the design and specification preparation process addressed so that the applicable portions of City Code were met and the contract documents contained the necessary safeguards to appropriately direct the contractor's operations to prevent needless disruption and damage to the Arboretum.
The Southside Interceptor sewer is a major sanitary trunkline sewer that provides sanitary sewer service to approximately 1...
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