Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Fishbeck for Project Management and Construction Engineering Services for the East Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening Project ($925,367.00) (RFP 22-77)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Fishbeck in the amount of $925,367.00 for project management and construction engineering services for the subject project.
The project, which extends along East Medical Center Drive from Fuller Road to Cancer Center Drive; includes the following elements (funding sources in parenthesis):
* Rehabilitation of the bridge (50% Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage; 50% UM)
* Widening of the bridge (100% UM)
* Widening East Medical Center Drive to the south of West Medical Center Drive on UM property (100% UM)
On November 14, 2022, the City received proposals from two firms in response to Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 22-77 for project management and construction engineering services for the project. A selection committee comprised of Engineering Unit staff reviewed the proposals to determine the most-qualified firm. The firms were evaluated and scored on several criteria:
* Professional Qualifications (20%)
* Past Involvement with Similar Projects (30%)
* Proposed Work Plan (30%)
* Fee Proposal (20%)
After reviewing and scoring the proposals, staff ranked the responding firms in the following order:
1. Fishbeck
2. Benesch
Based upon a review of the proposals, the proposed work plan, fee schedule, staffing plan, and past involvement with similar projects, it was decided that Fishbeck was the firm best-suited to perform the work.
Fishbeck is in compliance with the requirements of the City's Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances. The form of contract will be the standard professional services agreement drafted by the City Attorney.
Construction of the project is currently anticipated ...
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