Resolution to Direct City Administrator to Negotiate a Services Agreement with Recycle Ann Arbor for Interim Operation of the Ann Arbor Material Recovery Facility and Waste Transfer Station and to Amend the Solid Waste Fund Operations and Maintenance Budget by Appropriating $1,680,000.00 from the Solid Waste Fund Balance (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution directs the City Administrator and staff to negotiate a services agreement with Recycle Ann Arbor (RAA) with the condition that it contain certain terms to provide interim operation services at the City's Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and Waste Transfer Station, and to bring a recommended agreement to City Council for approval. The attached resolution directs that if the negotiations with RAA are not successful, the City Administrator and staff shall bring a recommended services agreement with Waste Management of Michigan, Inc. (WMM) to provide interim operation services at the City's MRF and Waste Transfer Station to City Council based on its proposal in response to RFP #980.
On August 4, 2016, City Council approved Resolution R-16-311, which ratified an emergency purchase order to WMM for a six-week period following the termination of the contract with the previous on-site operator of the City-owned MRF on July 7, 2016, which ended their services on July 11, 2016. On September 9, 2016, City Council approved Resolution R-16-360, which approved a contract with WMM to perform short-term operations of the MRF and Transfer Station until the completion of the City's procurement process to obtain the services of an Interim Operator for the MRF and Transfer Station.
In order to continue providing uninterrupted solid waste and recycling services for the community, it is necessary to enter into this interim agreement to provide these services until long-term contractors can begin operating the MRF and Transfer Station.
The City undertook a request for proposal process (RFP #980) to...
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