Resolution to Accept an Award from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity in the amount of $652,453.00 for the Ann Arbor Climate Corps AmeriCorps program and Appropriate Funding in the amount of $652,453.00 (8 Votes Required)
The City of Ann Arbor applied, through the State of Michigan, to the national AmeriCorps program for the creation of an Ann Arbor Climate Corps (A2C2) program that includes funding to support 10 AmeriCorps members in Ann Arbor. Each Member will serve for 1700 hours between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024, with the Members focusing on conducting community education and engagement around climate action (i.e., ways to participate in A2ZERO), and providing stewardship support to enhance natural system preservation.
This summer, the City was notified that its application was chosen to receive $224,471.00 to advance the A2C2 program. In the application, the City agreed to a $237,788.00 cost share (provided through the local Community Climate Action Millage - which was budgeted in the FY24 budget) and $190,194.00 in in-kind staff support time to manage and work with the Members.
Unfortunately, the City has not yet received the final grant award and associated grant agreement for this program. In light of this, City staff are asking for Council authorization to formally accept and appropriate the $224,471.00 in funding from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity for creation of the Ann Arbor Climate Corps program, subject to final review by the City Attorney's office.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The City will be reimbursed by the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity for $224,471.00 of expenditures related to this award. The local match of $427,982.00 has already been budgeted in the FY24 budget within the Community Climate Action Millage fund.
Prepared by: Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Director
Reviewed by: Marti Praschan, Chief Financial Offi...
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