Resolution to Approve a Contract with Enerlogics Networks, Inc for the Purchase and Installation of Energy Storage and Battery Systems at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants ($520,172.00) (8 Votes Required)
The City of Ann Arbor has set a series of aggressive goals related to climate action and sustainability, including powering all municipal facilities with 100% clean and renewable energy. That is why the City has decided to move forward with installing solar energy on viable City facilities and ensuring that those systems are battery ready. Along with all systems being battery ready, the City has additional funding to support the installation of energy storage and battery systems at two sites where Enerlogics Networks, Inc. is designing solar systems for installation, including:
* Ann Arbor Water Treatment Plant
* Ann Arbor Wastewater Treatment Plant
These two sites were chosen to assist with peak shaving or reducing demand charges that apply at each site due to the volume of energy used and their specific electric rates and to help maximize the onsite usage of the renewable energy generated via the solar systems.
This item is being brought to Council separate from the Power Provision Agreement (PPA) contract because the City is proposing to directly purchase these energy storage and battery systems rather than include them in the PPA. This means, that if approved, the City will own and maintain these assets once they are installed.
As background, in 2019, staff conducted a solar assessment to identify the City facilities with the highest solar potential and an energy use profile that would benefit from having onsite solar installed. A list of 13 facilities were initially identified. Staff then began working with peers around the nation to determine the best contracting vehicle to move installations forward.
With the help of the City's legal department and purchasing manager, the Office of Sustainability and Innovations craft...
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