Resolution to Approve Amendment Number 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with OHM Advisors for General Engineering Services ($106,500.00 Amendment; $706,500.00 Total Contract)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve Amendment Number 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with OHM Advisors for General Engineering Services dated June 14, 2019 and amended April 9, 2021 to extend its duration through June 30, 2024 and increase the contract amount by $106,500.00 to allow for the completion of on-going projects.
This professional services agreement supplements the Systems Planning and Public Works Unit's existing staff by providing necessary engineering and support services necessary to fully plan, design, and execute a capital improvement project and associated studies and evaluations for the City of Ann Arbor.
This contract was approved by City Council on May 6, 2019 (R-19-205). Amendment Number 1 extended the duration and increased the contract amount and is set to expire June 14, 2023. Under this Agreement, OHM has been assigned multiple projects, some of which are still on-going, and there are two additional projects that will be handled under this contract:
Drinking Water Model Update: $33,000 (Water Fund)
Allen Creek Floodplain Analysis: $73,500 (Stormwater Fund)
To allow it the necessary time to complete these assignments under the current Agreement, Amendment Number 2 will extend the duration of the contract through June 30, 2024. This extension will be for the purposes of completing existing assignments and the below referenced projects only; no new project assignments will be made through this contract. Amendment Number 2 also increase the contract amount to allow for completion of the ongoing and two additional projects.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The services provided by this professional services agreement are paid for within approved project budgets and annual operating budgets as appropriate....
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