An Ordinance to Add Sections 5.12.9 and to Amend Sections 5.15, 5.16.3, 5.17.4 and 5.20.4 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (New Zoning District TC1 Transit Corridor) (ORD-21-19)
An amendment is proposed to the Unified Development Code to add a new zoning district, TC1 (Transit Corridor) district, and establish permitted uses, use specific standards, and dimensional standards, as well as related amendments and revisions for consistency. It is offered by the Planning Commission in response to Council Resolution R-20-439 which asked for a transit-supported zoning district to increase housing density and options along major corridors, examining certain solutions, and preliminary recommendations for geographic areas to consider for such designation, by June 15, 2021. This resolution directed specific consideration of the following potential components, and a brief response is provided after each:
* Increase allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) density along transit corridors;
The proposed district establishes no FAR limitations.
* Decrease and/or eliminate parking requirements for new development along transit corridors;
The proposed districts eliminates minimum parking requirements, and establishes maximum parking levels instead.
* Require mixed use;
Mixed use is required for development within 100 feet of a public intersection.
* Decrease height and increase setbacks near pre-existing residential areas;
The maximum height decreases as development nears residentially zoned properties.
* Evaluate development aspects, such as sustainability measures, affordable housing, and public open space - as either requirements or incentives;
Development aspects such as pedestrian/non-motorized/public transit focus are emphasized; vehicular access and automobile-oriented uses are prohibited, and connectivity to adjacent uses is encouraged.
Specific requirements for sustainability measures or affordabl...
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