Resolution to Amend R-21-395 Approving a Professional Services Agreement with DLZ Michigan, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the E. Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening Project
Whereas, On October 18, 2021, Council approved R-21-395 for a professional services agreement with DLZ Michigan, Inc. for engineering design services for the E. Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening Project which included a condition in the first RESOLVED clause stating that “[t]he final design will utilize the additional width and capacity to facilitate and encourage multimodal travel (e.g. transit, carpool, bike).” See attached;
Whereas, Additional information about the project, including preliminary design drawings, has become available, a summary of which is available for review in a DLZ video - see link: https://dlz807-my.sharepoint.com/personal/msethi_dlz_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmsethi%5Fdlz%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FAA%20Council%20Presentation%2FPresentation%20for%20Council%20%2D%20FINAL%202%2D4%2D22%2Emp4&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmsethi%5Fdlz%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FAA%20Council%20Presentation; and
Whereas, Based on the additional project information, the first RESOLVED clause restricting the additional bridge width and capacity should be removed;
RESOLVED, That R-21-395 be amended to remove the following RESOLVED clause: “The final design will utilize the additional width and capacity to facilitate and encourage multimodal travel (e.g. transit, carpool, bike);” and
RESOLVED, That except as amended herein, R-21-395 shall remain unchanged.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Disch and Ramlawi