Resolution to Approve a Contract with DLZ Michigan, Inc. to Provide Professional Engineering Services and Construction Oversight for the Rehabilitation of the Bandemer Park Bridges ($39,946.07)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $39,946.07 contract with DLZ Michigan, Inc. (DLZ) to provide professional engineering services for the rehabilitation of the Bandemer Park bridges. This includes updating construction drawings and specifications for bidding, as well as oversight during construction.
The Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan identifies bridge repair as an on-going need and one of the major categories of capital project improvements.
In 2018, the Bandemer Park pedestrian and vehicle bridge structures were inspected as part of regular monitoring and section loss was noted on the exposed portions of the stringers. Construction documents were prepared by DLZ so that repair work for these structures and other park bridges could be performed by a licensed contractor and bids were solicited for work at seven park bridges. However, only one bid was received and it exceeded the funding that Parks had budgeted for the work. Consequently, the repair work at the two Bandemer Park structures was postponed due to their cost and the ability to safely defer the work. This allowed for their capital rehabilitation costs to be programmed in a future year’s capital budget. In order to monitor their condition in the interim, DLZ conducted a condition assessment inspection of the Bandemer Park bridges in 2020 which validated the need for the work to occur as soon as possible.
The rehabilitation of these bridges include replacement of the steel stringers, painting of the floor beams, as well as other items of work. These repairs need to be performed in the next year in order to maintain current use and prevent further deterioration and more costly repairs. It is essential that repairs on the Bandemer Park pedestrian bridge begin this year in order to ensure its continued structural stability and performance.
The project meets the sustainability goals of promoting active living and learning and providing transportation options, as the park bridges form important linkages in the non-motorized system in our community. This project also supports the goal of having a safe community by minimizing the risk to public health from deferred bridge maintenance.
Staff is recommending awarding a contract to DLZ, Inc. in the amount of $39,946.07 for professional engineering services to update the bid documents and provide construction inspection and oversight services. A contingency of 10% ($3,994.00) is requested to cover potential engineering changes that occur during design or construction, as the full extent of repair work may not be evident until construction is underway.
Staff is recommending DLZ perform the design work now as a best source for the following reasons:
1. It would not be economically feasible for another vendor to provide the engineering services as DLZ has already created the initial set of bid documents, conducted detailed condition assessments, invested significant time familiarizing themselves with the bridges, the design of each structure, and the particular issues associated with each bridge. If another consultant was used, they would spend significant time familiarizing themselves with the bridges and scope of work, incurring additional time and costs.
2. A compelling urgency exists as DLZ has recommended that repairs be completed as soon as possible in order to maintain safety and extend the lifespan of the current structures. This is especially true with the Bandemer Park pedestrian bridge which needs to be repaired this coming year. DLZ would be able to start immediately with updating the bid documents as they created them and are already familiar with the project. If another consultant were to be used, the City would lose valuable time as they reviewed the bid documents and inspection reports to familiarize themselves with the unique aspects of the bridges and the existing construction documents. Additionally, a request for proposals selection process would add considerable time to the project schedule, as staff estimates that it would take approximately 4 months or more to perform the selection and hiring process, limiting the City’s ability to repair these structures in a timely manner.
Therefore, due to DLZ’s familiarity with the existing bid documents and bridge issues, and the significant time they have already invested inspecting and analyzing the structures, combined with the urgent need to complete repairs as quickly as possible, DLZ is recommended to be used as a Best Source.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: It is requested that a $43,940.07 contract and contingency amount be approved for the life of the project without regard to fiscal year. Funding is available in the approved FY2021 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage budget.
Prepared by: Hillary Hanzel, Landscape Architect IV
Reviewed by: Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The PROS plan identifies bridge repair as an on-going need and one of the major categories of capital project improvements;
Whereas, The project supports the City sustainability goals of promoting active living and learning and providing transportation options;
Whereas, Bridge condition assessments have concluded that the bridge structures in Bandemer Park are in need of repair;
Whereas, These bridge repairs need to be performed soon in order to maintain their current use and prevent further deterioration and more costly repairs;
Whereas, Construction documents were previously prepared by DLZ for repair work for these structures but need to be updated to reflect new standard specifications from MDOT, and new details based on similar repair experience;
Whereas, The repair work at the two Bandemer Park structures was postponed due to their cost and the ability to safely defer the work;
Whereas, Funding for the repair work is now available in the Parks capital budget but the drawings need to be updated before being re-bid;
Whereas, funding for engineering services is available in the approved FY2021 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage budget;
Whereas, It is not be economically feasible for another vendor to provide the engineering services as DLZ created the last set of bid documents and has already invested significant time familiarizing themselves with the bridges;
Whereas, A compelling urgency exists as DLZ has recommended that the repairs be completed as soon as possible in order to maintain safety and extend the lifespan of the current structures;
Whereas, The City would lose valuable time if another consultant had to familiarize themselves with the project,
Whereas, A request for proposals selection process would add considerable time to the project schedule, limiting the City’s ability to repair the bridges in a timely manner; and
Whereas, Staff is recommending that DLZ, Michigan be used as a Best Source;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a contract with DLZ, Michigan for professional engineering services and construction oversight for the rehabilitation of the Bandemer Park bridges, and approve a design contingency of $3,994.00 (10%) to cover potential contract change orders for a total contract amount of $43,940.07 for the life of the project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator is authorized to take all necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution including the authority to approve change orders within the approved contingency; and
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the contract after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney.