Resolution to Approve Amendment Number 1 to Professional Services Agreement between Ann Arbor Architects Collaborative, Inc and the City of Ann Arbor for Professional Architectural / Engineering Services for New Fire Station RFP NO. #20-29 ($67,200.00)
We recommend your approval of the attached Amendment Number 1 to Professional Services Agreement between Ann Arbor Architects Collaborative (A3C), Inc and the City of Ann Arbor for Professional Architectural / Engineering Services for New Fire Station RFP NO. #20-29. Council approved a professional services agreement for $451,100.00 with A3C in April 2021 as part of Resolution No. R-21-111.
This amendment involves two separate additional service requests. Both are in direct relation to the Fire Station 4 project and proposed usage of parts of Scheffler Park.
Additional Service Request #1
After providing a fairly flushed out schematic design at the current site using only the current Fire Station 4 parcel, A3C was asked to stop work on this provided schematic design. A3C was then asked to explore the potential of expanding into Scheffler Park to alleviate possible ingress and egress concerns. A3C has developed a new schematic to fit concepts based on Departmental, City Attorney, and the Parks and Service Managers guidance, to mitigate such concerns and develop an alternative site solution which would additionally enhance the park. This work was recognized as being outside of the initial project scope.
Additional Service request #2
A preliminary meeting with the Ann Arbor Planning Department resulted in instruction that utilizing a portion of Scheffler Park would require joining the entire park parcel to the site plan submission. In addition, the contractor design team has been tasked with the design of a replacement basketball court in Scheffler Park. This will require additional survey and design work that was outside of the original scope of services.
Budget/Fiscal Impact:
Funding is avail...
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