Resolution to Approve a One-Year Renewal Agreement with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) for AAPD Promotional Assessments ($32,755.00)
The attached resolution requests approval of a renewal contract with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) to conduct promotional assessments for the purpose of creating a promotional list for the ranks of sergeant and lieutenant.
In 2012, City Council approved Resolution R-12-445 authorizing the City to enter into a contract with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) to conduct promotional assessments for the purpose of creating a promotional list for the ranks of sergeant and lieutenant. The initial promotional list created by I/O was effective for the period February 2013 through January 2014. Vacancies of sworn police supervisors are expected in 2015. To ensure continuity of command, it is recommended that I/O continue to create and administer the assessment for both the sergeant and lieutenant positions to establish and maintain a new promotional eligibility list to provide maximum flexibility in responding to vacancies.
The contract with I/O will be for a term of one year from the date it is signed.
Funds for this project in the amount of $32,755 have been budgeted in the approved FY 2015 Police General Fund budget.
I/O received Human Rights approval on June 27, 2014 and complies with the requirements of the City’s living wage ordinance.
Prepared by: Kimberly Buselmeier, Management Assistant, Police Services Unit
Reviewed by: Chief John Seto, AAPD/Safety Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The Ann Arbor Police Services Unit has a need to have a Promotional Assessment Process for sergeant and lieutenant that is fair, equitable, and legally defensible;
Whereas, City Council approved Resolution R-12-445 authorizing a contract with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) to create and administer an assessment for both the sergeant and lieutenant positions in order to establish a promotional eligibility list;
Whereas, The initial promotional eligibility list created by I/O has expired;
Whereas, The contract with I/O provided, at the City’s option, the right to renew the contract for one additional term;
Whereas, The contract term with I/O will be for one year from the date it is signed;
Whereas, It is recommended that I/O be contracted with for the renewal term to create and administer the assessment for both the sergeant and lieutenant positions to establish and maintain a new promotional eligibility list to provide maximum flexibility in responding to vacancies;
Whereas, Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. received Human Rights approval on June 27, 2014 and complies with the Living Wage Ordinance; and
Whereas, Funding for the promotional assessment process will be allocated from Police General Fund;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a contract in the amount of $32,755.00 with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) for promotional assessment testing for the sergeant and lieutenant; and
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the contract with Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc. (I/O) after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney.