Resolution to Remove Parking on the West Side of Fair Oaks Parkway
In February of 2011 a concern was raised by Fair Oaks Parkway residents regarding the available width of the street with on-street parking occurring on both sides of the street. The condition was exacerbated by the snow accumulation which narrowed the street width. Upon inspection of the roadway a width of approximately 29’ is available. This would provide for a 15 feet travel way if 7 feet of parking was occupied on each side of the street. This width is at or below minimum typical widths for a residential street and is a concern for emergency vehicle access. A “minimum” of a 16 foot travel way is an acceptable width for a residential street. Allowing parking on one side only would provide that.
With input from the residents, we propose the removal of parking on the west side of the street with little or no impact to the quality of life for the residents. The attached figure shows the proposed layout. To assess the neighborhood opinion on the matter a resident survey was prepared.
Staff surveyed the residents in the project area to learn about the residents’ satisfaction with the proposed parking removal. The survey post cards asked if the residents were in support of removal of the west side parking or favored removal on the east side.
The survey cards were mailed to the affected residents on Fair Oaks Parkway. The following table summarizes the survey results.
Project Area Mailed Responded Westside Eastside Neither*
Fair Oaks Pkwy 11 8 4 3 1
Average % - 73% 50% 38% 13%
*Note - the card did not present as an option
The mailing had one card returned to sender as vacant. Additionally four residents responded by card or phone that only one block should have parking removed. For more information, please find the Attachment A, which includes all comments provided by area residents.
The map of the proposed...
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