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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 8/5/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-1437 1AC-18/5/19 Response to Resolution R-18-276: Gypsy MothsReport or Communication Response to Resolution R-18-276 - Resolution to Direct the City Administrator to Assess and Monitor Extent of Gypsy Moth Infestation and Develop Treatment Plan and Budget - July 18, 2019Received and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1439 1AC-28/5/19 Barton Dam Embankment Seepage AnalysisReport or Communication Memorandum from City Administrator - Barton Dam Embankment Seepage Analysis - July 18, 2019Received and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1463 1AC-38/5/18 FY19Q4 Legislative Update - August 5, 2019Report or Communication FY19Q4 Legislative Update - August 5, 2019Received and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1468 1AC-48/5/19 Status Update Memo Resolutions R-19-112, R-19-110 & R-19-138Report or Communication Memorandum from City Administrator: Status Updates on Resolutions R-19-112, R-19-110, and R-19-138Received and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1473 1AC-58/5/19 August 5, 2019 Agenda Response Memo and eCommentsReport or Communication August 5, 2019 Council Agenda Response Memo and eCommentsReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1488 1AC-68/5/19 City Administrator's Report - August 5, 2019Report or Communication City Administrator’s Report - August 5, 2019Received and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1265 1CA-18/5/19 Resolution Authorizing Water Capital Recovery Charges for 2 Maple Village Ct. ($2,696.00)ResolutionResolution Authorizing Water Capital Recovery Charges for 2 Maple Village Ct. ($2,696.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1266 1CA-28/5/19 Resolution Authorizing Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charges for 2 Maple Village Ct. ($5,982.00)ResolutionResolution Authorizing Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charges for 2 Maple Village Ct. ($5,982.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1293 1CA-38/5/19 Resolution to Approve an Agreement with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office for Weapons Screening Services in the Ann Arbor Justice Center (NTE $180,000.00)ResolutionResolution to Approve an Agreement with the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office for Weapons Screening Services in the Ann Arbor Justice Center ($180,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1310 1CA-48/5/19 - Granicus 5-Year Contract AgreementResolutionResolution to Approve 5-year Agreement (FY2020 - FY2024) for Software, Support, and Maintenance with Granicus, LLC for the City’s Legislative Management System and Communications Platform ($286,750.86)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1340 1CA-58/5/19 State of Michigan - JISResolutionResolution to Approve a Purchase Order to Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office for Judicial Information System Costs for FY 2020 ($47,250.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1302 1CA-68/5/19 - Rental Vactor 2100i Combination Sewer CleanerResolutionResolution to Authorize an Increase to the Sole Source Purchase Order with Jack Doheny Companies for the Rental of a Vactor 2100i Combination Sewer and Catch Basin Cleaner ($62,500.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1311 2CA-78/5/19 - Amendment No. 1 to GEI PSA - FERC Part 12 Inspection and ReportResolutionResolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with GEI Consultants of Michigan, P.C. for the Hydroelectric Dams FERC Part 12 Inspection and Report - RFP #17-31 ($47,850.00)Approved  Action details Not available
19-1415 1CA-88/5/19 - EGLE PFAS GrantResolutionResolution to Approve a Grant Agreement with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy for the PFAS Removal Project ($1,317,264.00) and to Appropriate Grant Proceeds to the Existing Backwash Infrastructure Improvements Project ($457,880.00) (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1333 1CA-9Girls Group Charitable Gaming ResolutionResolutionResolution Recognizing Girls Group as a Civic Nonprofit Organization Operating in Ann Arbor for the Purpose of Obtaining a Charitable Gaming LicenseApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1365 1CA-108/5/19 Varnum Am #2 - PURPAResolutionResolution to Approve Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with Varnum LLP for Legal Services Relative to MPSC Case No. U-18091 ($15,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1366 1CA-118/5/19 Varnum - DTE IRPResolutionResolution to Approve Professional Services Agreement with Varnum LLP, for Legal Services Relative to MPSC Case No. U-20471 ($45,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1384 1CA-128/5/19 Release of Easement at 900 S. Seventh St.ResolutionResolution to Release an Easement for Water Line Recorded in Liber 2218, Page 40 of Deeds, Washtenaw County Records (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1413 1CA-138/5/19 Partial Release of Easement at 1200 BroadwayResolutionResolution to Partially Release an Easement for Storm and Sanitary Sewers Recorded at Liber 628, Page 226 of Deeds, Washtenaw County Records (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1379 1CA-148/5/19 Contract with Anglin CivilResolutionResolution to Approve a Contract with Anglin Civil to Renovate the Pathway at Riverside Park ($213,182.50)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1381 1CA-158/5/19 Remediation Plan for LSNCResolutionResolution to Appropriate Funds for Fieldwork, Soil Samples, Laboratory Testing, and Development of a Remediation Plan at Leslie Science and Nature Center ($96,800.00) (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1014 1PH-18/5/19 - Wilson-Barry Annexation - 614 RiverviewResolution/Public HearingResolution to Approve the Wilson-Barry Annexation, 0.5 Acre, 614 Riverview (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 9 Yeas and 0 Nays)Held and Closed  Action details Not available
19-1444 1A-18/5/19 - Council Minutes of July 15MinutesRegular Session Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2019Approved as presentedPass Action details Not available
19-1223 1C-18/5/19 -- Amendment to Chapter 55 (Office District Permitted Uses, Accessory Restaurant/Bar/Food Service Use Specific Standards)OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Section 5.15, Table 5-15 and Section 5.16.6 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Office District Permitted Uses, Accessory Restaurant/Bar/Food Service Use Specific Standards)Approved on First ReadingPass Action details Not available
19-1225 1C-28/5/19 -- Amendment to Chapter 55 (Mixed Use Zoning District Dimensions)OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Section 5.17.4 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Mixed Use Zoning District Dimensions) (Ordinance No. ORD-19-28)Approved on First ReadingPass Action details Not available
19-1443 1DC-18/5/19 FY20 Community Events Fund DisbursementsResolutionResolution for Community Events Fund Disbursements from the FY 2020 BudgetApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1451 1DC-28/5/19 - Review of FOIA Fee ProcessResolutionResolution to Direct the City Administrator to Review the City’s Policies on Assessing Fees for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Provide Alternatives and Recommendations to Council that Promote Transparency and the Public Interest   Action details Not available
19-1451 1 8/5/19 - Review of FOIA Fee ProcessResolutionResolution to Direct the City Administrator to Review the City’s Policies on Assessing Fees for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Provide Alternatives and Recommendations to Council that Promote Transparency and the Public InterestAmendedFail Action details Not available
19-1451 1 8/5/19 - Review of FOIA Fee ProcessResolutionResolution to Direct the City Administrator to Review the City’s Policies on Assessing Fees for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Provide Alternatives and Recommendations to Council that Promote Transparency and the Public InterestApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1452 1DC-38/5/19 - Waive FOIA fees for 2147ResolutionResolution to Waive Fees Associated with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request 2147   Action details Not available
19-1452 1 8/5/19 - Waive FOIA fees for 2147ResolutionResolution to Waive Fees Associated with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request 2147PostponedPass Action details Not available
19-1014 1DB-18/5/19 - Wilson-Barry Annexation - 614 RiverviewResolution/Public HearingResolution to Approve the Wilson-Barry Annexation, 0.5 Acre, 614 Riverview (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 9 Yeas and 0 Nays)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-0913 2DS-18/5/19 - Earhart Road ReconfigurationResolutionResolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration and Safety Enhancement Project for Earhart Road, from US-23 to South Waldenwood Drive and Appropriate $34,500.00 and $40,500.00 Respectively from the General Fund and Alternative Transportation Fund Balances (8 Votes Required)ApprovedFail Action details Not available
19-0956 2DS-28/5/19 - Traverwood Drive ReconfigurationResolutionResolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration Pilot for Traverwood Drive, from Huron Parkway to Plymouth RoadApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-0985 2DS-38/5/19 Green Road ReconfigurationResolutionResolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration Pilot for Green Road, from Burbank Drive to Plymouth RoadApprovedFail Action details Not available
19-1245 2DS-47/15/19 - Cemetery Rules and RegsResolutionResolution to Approve Fairview Cemetery Rules and Regulations   Action details Not available
19-1245 2 7/15/19 - Cemetery Rules and RegsResolutionResolution to Approve Fairview Cemetery Rules and RegulationsAmended  Action details Not available
19-1245 2 7/15/19 - Cemetery Rules and RegsResolutionResolution to Approve Fairview Cemetery Rules and RegulationsApproved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
19-1359 1F-1State of Michigan Crosswalk Law and Related MaterialsReport or Communication Recommendation from the Transportation Commission Regarding State of Michigan Crosswalk Law and Related MaterialsApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1363 1F-2Comcast Communication regarding TiVo CustomersReport or Communication Communication from Comcast regarding TiVo Customers: Accessing Xfinity On Demand App - CTN, City AttorneyApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1430 1F-3MML Annual Meeting NoticeReport or Communication Communication from the Michigan Municipal League regarding the MML Annual Meeting Scheduled for September 25-27, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1450 1F-4Communication from the Michigan Department of Treasury Regarding the Audit of the Minimum Assessing Requirements (AMAR)Report or Communication Communication from the Michigan Department of Treasury Regarding the Audit of the Minimum Assessing Requirements (AMAR)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1456 1F-58/5/19 - Annexation Reports from Boundary CommissionReport or Communication Communication from the State Boundary Commission and the City of Ann Arbor’s Response Regarding the Proposed Annexation of Lands from the Township of Ann Arbor (Petition No. 19-AR-1), Charter Township of Pittsfield (Petition No. 19-AR-2) and Township of Scio (Petition No. 19-AR-3) to the City of Ann Arbor - cc: Systems Planning, Public Works, City PlanningApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-0950 1G-1BBA 6/20/19 BBA Minutes (February 21, 2019)MinutesBuilding Board of Appeals Minutes for February 21, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1270 2G-2Minutes of the May 22, 2019 ZBA MeetingMinutesZoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1287 2G-3Minutes from the April 25, 2019 Environmental Commission meetingMinutesEnvironmental Commission Meeting Minutes of April 25, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1334 1G-4Election Commission Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2019MinutesElection Commission Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1350 1G-5Energy Commission Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019MinutesEnergy Commission Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1375 1G-6GAC Minutes 6-6-19MinutesGreenbelt Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1377 1G-7LDFA Board Minutes - June 18, 2019MinutesLDFA Board Meeting Minutes - June 18, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1385 1G-8DDA Minutes June 2019MinutesDowntown Development Authority Board, Executive, Partnerships, Capital Improvements, Operations and Finance Committees Minutes of June 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1387 1G-9CAC Minutes July 9 2019MinutesDowntown Area Citizens Advisory Council Minutes for July 9, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1440 1G-10RS Board Mintues 6.20.19MinutesCity of Ann Arbor Employees' Retirement System Board Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2018ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1441 1G-11VEBA Board Minutes 6.20.19MinutesRetiree Health Care Benefit Plan & Trust Board Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1445 1G-128/5/19 - Caucus Minutes June 30 and July 14MinutesCity Council Caucus Minutes of June 30 and July 14, 2019ApprovedPass Action details Not available