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Meeting Name: City Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/7/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-0946 15-aMarch 5, 2019 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesMinutesCity Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2019Approved by the Commission and forwardedPass Action details Not available
19-0948 15-bMarch 19, 2019 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesMinutesCity Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2019Approved by the Commission and forwardedPass Action details Not available
19-0949 15-cApril 2, 2019 City Planning Commission Meeting MinutesMinutesCity Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2019Approved by the Commission and forwardedPass Action details Not available
19-0944 1 Various Correspondences to the City Planning CommissionReport or Communication Various Correspondences to the City Planning CommissionReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
19-0945 1 Public Hearings Scheduled for the May 21, 2019 Planning Commission MeetingReport or Communication Public Hearings Scheduled for the May 21, 2019 Planning Commission MeetingReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
19-0941 110-aAmendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot areResolution/Public HearingAmendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot area calculations, and the R5 district maximum front setback requirement, and to amend the definition of front lot line. Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0941 1 Amendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot areResolution/Public HearingAmendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot area calculations, and the R5 district maximum front setback requirement, and to amend the definition of front lot line. Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0941 1 Amendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot areResolution/Public HearingAmendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot area calculations, and the R5 district maximum front setback requirement, and to amend the definition of front lot line. Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0941 1 Amendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot areResolution/Public HearingAmendments to these sections of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) are proposed to correct errors or amend the current language: Sections 5.15, 5.17 and 5.37 to correct errors in the permitted uses table, consideration of parkland donations in lot area calculations, and the R5 district maximum front setback requirement, and to amend the definition of front lot line. Staff Recommendation: ApprovalApproved by the CommissionPass Action details Not available
19-0942 110-b614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council ApprovalResolution/Public Hearing614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval - A request to annex this 0.50-acre single family parcel from Ann Arbor Township into the City for connection to utilities, and zone it R1B (Single Family Dwelling). Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0942 1 614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council ApprovalResolution/Public Hearing614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval - A request to annex this 0.50-acre single family parcel from Ann Arbor Township into the City for connection to utilities, and zone it R1B (Single Family Dwelling). Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0942 1 614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council ApprovalResolution/Public Hearing614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval - A request to annex this 0.50-acre single family parcel from Ann Arbor Township into the City for connection to utilities, and zone it R1B (Single Family Dwelling). Staff Recommendation: Approval   Action details Not available
19-0942 1 614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council ApprovalResolution/Public Hearing614 Riverview Drive - Wilson-Barry Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval - A request to annex this 0.50-acre single family parcel from Ann Arbor Township into the City for connection to utilities, and zone it R1B (Single Family Dwelling). Staff Recommendation: ApprovalApproved by the CommissionPass Action details Not available
19-0943 110-c2019-2020 City Planning Commission Meeting Schedule ApprovalReport or Communication 2019-2020 City Planning Commission Meeting Schedule ApprovalApproved as AmendedPass Action details Not available