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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda status: Draft
Meeting date/time: 1/24/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers
This meeting will be broadcast live on CTN Cable Channel 16, ATT Channel 99, and online at Public commentary can be made in person or by calling: 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099 Enter Meeting ID 938 1648 1007
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0052 1D-1.December 6, 2023 ZBA Meeting MinutesMinutesDecember 6, 2023 ZBA Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
24-0053 1E-1.ZBA23-0034; 421 Church StreetPublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0034; 421 Church Street Rob Fowler, representing the property owner, is requesting relief from Section 5.32.2 Nonconforming Structure to construct a third story with dormers on the existing nonconforming rental building. The residence is an existing four bedroom unit. The proposed alteration will increase the building to a six bedroom with additional bedrooms in the basement and the newly proposed third story. The property is nonconforming for lot area, lot width and setbacks. The third story addition will not encroach further into the required setbacks. The property is zoned R4C, Multiple Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0053 1 ZBA23-0034; 421 Church StreetPublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0034; 421 Church Street Rob Fowler, representing the property owner, is requesting relief from Section 5.32.2 Nonconforming Structure to construct a third story with dormers on the existing nonconforming rental building. The residence is an existing four bedroom unit. The proposed alteration will increase the building to a six bedroom with additional bedrooms in the basement and the newly proposed third story. The property is nonconforming for lot area, lot width and setbacks. The third story addition will not encroach further into the required setbacks. The property is zoned R4C, Multiple Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0054 1E-2.ZBA23-0036; 421 Benjamin StreetPublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0036; 421 Benjamin Street Rob Fowler, representing property owner, is requesting relief from Section 5.32.2 Nonconforming Structure to construct a third story with dormers on the existing nonconforming rental building. The residence is an existing four bedroom unit. The proposed alteration will increase the building to a six bedroom with additional bedrooms in the newly proposed third story. The property is nonconforming for lot area, lot width and side setbacks on the west side of the parcel. The property is zoned R4C, Multiple Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0054 1 ZBA23-0036; 421 Benjamin StreetPublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0036; 421 Benjamin Street Rob Fowler, representing property owner, is requesting relief from Section 5.32.2 Nonconforming Structure to construct a third story with dormers on the existing nonconforming rental building. The residence is an existing four bedroom unit. The proposed alteration will increase the building to a six bedroom with additional bedrooms in the newly proposed third story. The property is nonconforming for lot area, lot width and side setbacks on the west side of the parcel. The property is zoned R4C, Multiple Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0055 1E-3.ZBA23-0035; 2501 Avant AvenuePublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0035; 2501 Avant Avenue Araneae Inc., representing property owners, are requesting a variance from Table 5.24-4 Residential Zoning Districts Permanent Signs. The owners are proposing to install 13 illuminated logo signs approximately 35 feet from the ground. The maximum height for wall signs for a multiple-family dwelling district is 10 feet from the ground. The applicants are also seeking to install two logo signs on six buildings for the development. The sign ordinance allows for one wall sign per building. The property is zoned R4B, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0055 1 ZBA23-0035; 2501 Avant AvenuePublic Hearing OnlyZBA23-0035; 2501 Avant Avenue Araneae Inc., representing property owners, are requesting a variance from Table 5.24-4 Residential Zoning Districts Permanent Signs. The owners are proposing to install 13 illuminated logo signs approximately 35 feet from the ground. The maximum height for wall signs for a multiple-family dwelling district is 10 feet from the ground. The applicants are also seeking to install two logo signs on six buildings for the development. The sign ordinance allows for one wall sign per building. The property is zoned R4B, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.   Not available Not available
24-0056 1G-1.2024 Calendar ReviewReport or Communication 2024 Calendar Review   Not available Not available
24-0056 1 2024 Calendar ReviewReport or Communication 2024 Calendar Review   Not available Not available
24-0057 1H-1.Various Communication to the ZBAReport or Communication Various Communication to the ZBA   Not available Not available