| 1 | | January 15, 2019 City Planning Commission Meeting Minutes | Minutes | City Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 15, 2019 | | |
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| 1 | | Various Correspondences to the City Planning Commission | Report or Communication | Various Correspondences to the City Planning Commission | | |
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| 1 | | Public Hearings Scheduled for the March 5, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting | Report or Communication | Public Hearings Scheduled for the March 5, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting | | |
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| 1 | 9-a | 202 Miller Avenue Special Exception Use and Site Plan for City Planning Commission Approval | Resolution/Public Hearing | 202 Miller Avenue Special Exception Use and Site Plan for City Planning Commission Approval - A request to allow the existing space at 202 Miller Avenue to be used as a Medical Marijuana Provisioning Center by issuance of a Special Exception Use Permit, with an accompanying site plan that demonstrates no physical development change, in accordance with City requirements. The 0.07-acre site is zoned D2 (Downtown Interface). (Ward 1) Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions | | |
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| 1 | 9-b | Brightdawn Village Apartments Planned Project and Rezoning for City Council Approval | Resolution/Public Hearing | Brightdawn Village Apartments Planned Project and Rezoning for City Council Approval - A request to rezone this 8-acre site, located at 2805 Burton Road, from R4B (Multiple-Family Dwelling) to R4D (Multiple-Family Dwelling) and construct four, 4-story multi-family apartment buildings and a clubhouse.160 new units are proposed with 40 of these units designated as affordable housing. Over 60% of the site will be used as open-space. (Ward 3) Staff Recommendation: Denial | | |
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| 1 | 10-a | 2705 Newport Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval | Resolution/Public Hearing | 2705 Newport Annexation and Zoning for City Council Approval - A request to annex this 1.19-acre parcel from Ann Arbor Township into the City for connection to utilities and zone the parcel R1A (Single-Family Dwelling). (Ward 1) Staff Recommendation: Approval | | |
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