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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 9/5/2017 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-1415 1AC-19/5/17 City Administrator's Report - September 5, 2017Report or Communication City Administrator’s Report - September 5, 2017Received and Filed  Action details Not available
17-1417 1AC-29/5/17 Agenda Response Memo - September 5, 2017Report or Communication Agenda Response Memo - September 5, 2017Received and Filed  Action details Not available
17-1375 1MC-19/5/17 Appointments and NominationsAppointmentAppointments - ConfirmationsReferred  Action details Not available
17-1388 1MC-27-Vote Resolution to appoint Thomas Wright to Cable Communications CommissionResolutionResolution to Appoint Thomas Wright to Cable Communications Commission (7 Votes Required)Referred  Action details Not available
17-1256 1CA-19/5/17 UM HAILstorm and 3rd Century ExpoResolutionResolution to Approve the Closing of East Washington and North University Streets between Thayer and Fletcher Streets for the University of Michigan Bicentennial “HAILstorm!” Light Show and Third Century Expo from Wednesday, October 25, 2017 through Sunday, October 29, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1261 1CA-29/5/17 Ann Arbor Thanksgiving Day Turkey TrotResolutionResolution to Approve Street Closings for the Ann Arbor Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot - Thursday, November 23, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1188 1CA-39/5/17 Angell Elementary Water MainResolutionResolution to Accept a Water Main Easement at 1608 South University Avenue (Angell Elementary) from the Ann Arbor Public Schools (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1189 1CA-49/5/17 Northside STEAM Watermain MapResolutionResolution to Release Water Main Easements recorded at Liber 4719, Page 133 and Liber 4912, page 264 of Deeds, Washtenaw County Records and Accept in Their Place a Water Main Easement at 912 Barton Drive (Ann Arbor STEAM at Northside), from the Ann Arbor Public Schools (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1195 1CA-59/5/17 Banyan Court Solid Waste EasementResolutionResolution to Accept a Solid Waste Easement at Banyan Court from 1654 South Maple Road LLC (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1196 1CA-69/5/17 Banyan Court Water and Sewer EasementResolutionResolution to Accept an Easement for Water Main and Sanitary Sewer at Banyan Court from 1654 South Maple Road LLC (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1097 1CA-79/5/17 - Liquid Calcium Chloride Sales, Inc.ResolutionResolution to Approve an Increase to the Purchase Order with Liquid Calcium Chloride Sales, Inc for Dust Suppressant Treatments in the Amount of $889.78ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1153 2CA-89/5/17 - Jack Doheny Sole Source Purchase OrderResolutionResolution to Authorize a Sole Source Purchase Order to Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. of Northville, Michigan for the Purchase of Parts and Service for Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Equipment ($60,000.00 annually)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1154 1CA-99/5/17 - Trojan Annual PO for FY18ResolutionResolution to Approve a Purchase Order with Trojan Technologies for Replacement Parts at the Wastewater Treatment Plant ($85,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1155 1CA-109/5/17 - Award Purchase of Bucket Truck & Digger DerrickResolutionResolution to Approve the Purchase of One Single Axle Bucket Truck and One Single Axle Digger Derrick Truck from Terex Utilities Inc. (National Joint Purchasing Alliance; $412,165.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1156 1CA-119/5/17 - Award Purchase of Multi-purpose TractorResolutionResolution to Approve the Purchase of One Trackless Multi-Purpose Tractor with Accessories from Bell Equipment Inc. (MiDeal - $160,186.15)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1157 1CA-129/5/17 - Award Purchase of Facilities Tractor & BroomResolutionResolution to Approve the Purchase of One Compact Tractor with Broom from Deere & Company (MiDeal - $36,746.98)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1184 1CA-139l5/17 - Approve the Sale of Surplus EquipmentResolutionResolution to Approve the Sale of Surplus EquipmentApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1197 1CA-149/5/17 - Resolution Approving PO for CLEMISResolutionResolution Approving a Purchase Order with Oakland County for CLEMIS Information Services for FY2018 (Not to Exceed $90,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1201 1CA-159/5/17 - Azteca Annual Maintenance POResolutionResolution to Approve Purchase Order to Azteca Systems for CityWorks Enterprise License and Annual Maintenance and Support Agreement for FY2018 ($83,000.00) and Appropriate Washtenaw County Reimbursement of Its Share of FY2018 Costs ($20,000.00)(8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1203 1CA-169/5/17 Renewal of Schedule 22 to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and ServicesResolutionResolution to Approve Schedule 22-A to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services Designating Washtenaw County as a Participating Entity to the City’s Enterprise License Agreement for Cityworks Software with Azteca, Inc.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1128 1CA-179/5/17 A2 I-NET Fiber and Conduit Use AgreementResolutionResolution to Approve Fiber and Conduit Use Agreements with the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, the Ann Arbor District Library, and the Downtown Development AuthorityApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1130 1PH-18/21/17 Amend Chapter 18 City CodeOrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Sections 1:553, 1:555, and 1:605 of Chapter 18, Employees Retirement System, Title I of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor, to Limit Participation by Certain Part-Time Employees, to Implement Changes Required by Federal Law Related to Military Service and to Correct a Scrivener’s Error (Ordinance No. ORD-17-15)Held and Closed  Action details Not available
17-1287 1A-1CC MInutes of 8/21/17MinutesRegular Session Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2017Approved as presentedPass Action details Not available
17-1130 1B-18/21/17 Amend Chapter 18 City CodeOrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Sections 1:553, 1:555, and 1:605 of Chapter 18, Employees Retirement System, Title I of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor, to Limit Participation by Certain Part-Time Employees, to Implement Changes Required by Federal Law Related to Military Service and to Correct a Scrivener’s Error (Ordinance No. ORD-17-15)Adopted on Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
17-1282 1C-19/5/17 Ordinance to Amend Section 9-70OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Section 9:70 of Chapter 108 (Disorderly Conduct) of Title IX of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Ordinance No. ORD-17-16)Approved on First ReadingPass Action details Not available
17-1407 1DC-19/5/2017 Amicus Brief Participation Hawaii v TrumpResolutionResolution Authorizing the City of Ann Arbor to be Listed as a Supporting Municipality in an Amicus Brief to be filed with the United States Supreme Court in State of Hawaii and Ismail Elshikh. v. Donald J. Trump, et al..ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1101 1DB-19/5/17 Participation Agreement w/WCPR for Drake Trust PropertyResolutionResolution to Approve Participation Agreement with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation for the Purchase of the Development Rights on the Donald H. Drake Trust Property in Lodi Township, and Appropriate Funds, Not to Exceed $174,997.00, from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1143 1DB-29/5/17 Purchase Development Rights for Seeley FarmResolutionResolution to Approve the Purchase of Development Rights on the Seeley Farm LLC Property in Ann Arbor Township, Approve a Participation Agreement with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, and Appropriate Funds, Not to Exceed $143,367.00, from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1185 1DB-39/5/17 Participation Agreement w/Ann Arbor Twp Development Rights Stiles-Kaldjian PropertyResolutionResolution to Approve Participation Agreement with Ann Arbor Township and Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation for the Purchase of the Development Rights on the Stiles-Kaldjian Property in Ann Arbor Township, and Appropriate Funds, not to Exceed $242,500.00, from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds (8 Votes Required)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1176 1DB-49/5/17 Distribution of Draft The Treeline - Allen Creek Urban Trail Master PlanResolutionResolution to Approve the Distribution of the Draft Plan, The Treeline - Allen Creek Urban Trail Master Plan, (CPC Recommendation: Approved - 6 Ayes and 0 Nays)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1273 1F-1DTE Public Hearing Notices from State of MichiganReport or Communication Communication from the State of Michigan regarding Notice of Hearing for Electric Customers of DTE Electric Company in Case No. U-18419 and U18242 scheduled for September 7 and 13, 2017 Respectively - Energy, City AttorneyApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1289 1F-2Canvas of Votes Cast at 8-8-17 Primary ElectionReport or Communication Communication from Washtenaw County Board of Canvassers regarding Canvass of Votes Cast at the August 8, 2017 Primary ElectionApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1370 1F-39/5/17 Ben Bushkuhl Resignation LetterReport or Communication Resignation Email from Ben Bushkuhl as an Ann Arbor Historic District Commission MemberApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1063 2G-17/18/17 PAC Minutes 6/20/17MinutesPark Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes June 20, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1222 2G-2LDFA Board Minutes - July 18, 2017MinutesLocal Development Finance Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - July 18, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1241 1G-32017 July Board of Review MinutesMinutesAnn Arbor Board of Review Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1259 1G-4AAATA Meeting MinutesMinutesAnn Arbor Area Transportation Authority Board Meetings Minutes of June and July 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1301 1G-5Minutes: Elizabeth Dean Fund Committee 02/14/17, 04/06/17, 07/11/17MinutesElizabeth Dean Fund Committee Meeting Minutes of 02/14/2017, 04/06/2017 and 07/11/2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-1129 1G-67/28/17 - EC Minutes of July 17MinutesElection Commission Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2017ApprovedPass Action details Not available