Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with OHM Advisors for General Civil Engineering and Surveying Services (Additional $900,000.00 for a Contract Total of $1,650,000.00)
This resolution requests approval of Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement for General Civil Engineering and Surveying Services with OHM Advisors (OHM). City Council approved a professional services agreement for $750,000.00 with OHM on August 7, 2023, as part of Resolution No. R-23-277.
Under the current contract, OHM has provided engineering services for a variety of projects. They have demonstrated themselves to be experienced in a wide range of disciplines, and they are responsive and cost effective in meeting the diverse needs on complex engineering tasks.
At the City’s request, OHM was commissioned by the University of Michigan (UofM) to evaluate impacts to the City’s sanitary sewer system as a result of the proposed UofM dorm developments in south campus. Results from this effort indicated a relief sewer will be needed to accommodate the flows from the proposed dorms. This sewer project will also benefit the City as a whole, adding sewer capacity for future growth within the sewer shed. The City created a capital project for this effort, titled the High-Level Trunkline Sewer Capacity Improvements Project.
OHM has completed their preliminary design efforts and, after evaluating several alternatives, a proposed route for the relief sewer was selected along First Street from Washington Street to Miller Avenue. The engineering design for this project must now commence in order to coincide with the expedited timeline of the first phase of the dorm project (August 2026).
Due to the expedited schedule, issuing a Request for Proposal for this design work is not feasible within the required timeframe. Considering OHM’s extensive knowledge of the project and the sanitary sewer analysis already performed, staff is recommended extending the existing contract with OHM to perform these design services. OHM has done similar work for the City in the past, and staff is comfortable with their knowledge and expertise.
UofM, who is funding 100% of the design and construction of the project, agrees with using OHM to design the project. A cost sharing agreement with UofM is in the process of being formalized and will be submitted to Council when it has been finalized.
OHM complies with the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The proposed amendment will be for use on the High-Level Trunkline Sewer Capacity Improvements Project, which will be fully funded by the University of Michigan. The costs will be incurred by the Sewage Disposal System Capital Budget and reimbursed by the University of Michigan.
Prepared by: Nick Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Sue F. McCormick, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Council approved a professional services agreement with OHM Advisors for $750,000.00 for as-needed Civil Engineering and Surveying Services in August 2023 as part of Resolution No. R-23-277;
Whereas, OHM Advisors has demonstrated the required experience, professional qualifications, and competitive fee schedule for the required services, and has performed well to date under the existing contract;
Whereas, OHM Advisors has the in depth knowledge and experience to date with the High Level Trunkline Sewer Capacity Improvements Project and therefore is the ideal firm to complete the engineering design work within the expediated project schedule deadline;
Whereas, The cost of this amendment will be paid for within the approved Sewage Disposal System Capital Budget to be reimbursed by the University of Michigan; and
Whereas, OHM complies with the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with OHM Advisors in the amount of $900,000.00 for additional As-Needed Civil Engineering and Surveying Services relating to the High-Level Trunkline Sewer Capacity Improvements Project;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said amendment after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the City Administrator;
RESOLVED, That the funds be available for the life of the project(s) without regard to fiscal year; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.