Resolution to Approve an As-Needed Purchase Order for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Emulsion to Cadillac Asphalt, LLC. (Not to Exceed $264,975.00; ITB 4744)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution authorizing City expenditure of up to $264,975.00 for the purchase of hot mix asphalt (HMA) and emulsion from Cadillac Asphalt, LLC.
The bid was advertised on the City's website and on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) website. One (1) bid was received and publicly opened on April 25, 2024. The bid submitted by Cadillac Asphalt, LLC was reviewed and determined to be responsive.
The purchased HMA and emulsion will be used for normal street and path maintenance, and for street restoration after work on City water supply, sewage disposal, and stormwater systems.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY25 Central Stores Operations and Maintenance budget for the purchase of Hot Mix Asphalt. Funding is also available in the Major and Local Street, Sewage Disposal System, Stormwater System, and Water Supply System Funds Operation and Maintenance budgets to reimburse Central Stores for used materials.
Cadillac Asphalt, LLC complies with the City's Non-Discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Sue McCormick, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Public Works must purchase Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and emulsion for normal street and path maintenance and for restoration of the same after work on City water supply, sewage disposal, and stormwater systems;
Whereas, The City received one competitive bid (ITB-4744) on April 25, 2024;
Whereas, The bid submitted by Cadillac Asphalt, LLC was reviewed and determined to be responsive;
Whereas, The bid prices are firm through April 25, 2024;
Whereas, Cadillac Asphalt, LLC complies with the City's Non-Di...
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