Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of a Schwarze M6 Avalanche Street Sweeper from Fredrickson Supply and Appropriate Capital Contributions to the Fleet Services Fund Operations and Maintenance Budget ($36,559.00) (Sourcewell - $406,230.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of one new Schwarze M6 Avalanche Street Sweeper for $406,230.00 from Fredrickson Supply through the Sourcewell government cooperative purchasing program (#093021-SWZ) for use by the Public Works Unit of the Public Services Area.
The Public Works Unit currently operates a fleet of four mechanical street sweepers (Elgin Pelican and Broom Badger series) and one vacuum street sweeper. Public Works has made the decision to move away from using the vacuum style sweeper due to its limited use capabilities in cold weather. This type of machine requires the use of water while mechanical sweepers have the option not to use water if necessary. This new Schwarze mechanical sweeper would replace the City's vacuum sweeper.
The proposed Schwarze street sweeper will replace a 2015 Elgin Whirlwind Street Sweeper (#4751) with over 5,625 hours of use. The proposed sweeper is powered with a tier 4 diesel engine, the cleanest diesel engine class currently available. There is currently only one company that has an all-electric sweeper in this classification, and it is very new to the market with only a few units in service. The City demonstrated a unit and had it quoted. All parties involved agreed that the all-electric sweeper was too new to the market with no operational history, and carried a significantly higher cost in the amount of approximately $364,000.00 more than this diesel unit. While staff is open to considering an electric sweeper, now was not the time for the City to purchase one of these all-electric sweepers.
Schwarze Industries, Inc. was awarded contract #093021-SWZ by the Sourcewell government cooperative purchasing program for sweeper eq...
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