Resolution No. 2 - Stone School Road Sidewalk Special Assessment District #64, Eisenhower to Packard
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to establish the estimated cost and distribution of costs for new sidewalk to be constructed as part of the 2024 Sidewalk Gap Project, Stone School Road (Sidewalk Special Assessment District #64).
In accordance with the City’s Non-Motorized Plan and Complete Streets approach, staff proposes installing a new sidewalk to close gaps in the sidewalk network and provide a continuous pedestrian connection along the east side of Stone School Road from Eisenhower to Packard. This sidewalk gap scores in the “Highest” category in the City’s sidewalk gap prioritization system, and staff has also received multiple requests from residents to have this gap in the network filled. Accordingly, this project was placed in the Capital Improvements Plan (TR-AT-22-15).
Recent changes to City Code allow for the construction of new sidewalks without special assessment, however this excludes non-taxable parcels. This segment of Stone School Road includes seven parcels within Pittsfield Township, thus creating the need for the special assessment district. The five parcels in the project limits that are within the City of Ann Arbor’s jurisdiction will be excluded from this special assessment district.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Estimated costs for the new sidewalk in Special Assessment District #64 are as follows:
Construction Estimate and Contingency $ 200,000.00
Planning/Design $ 22,000.00
Const Eng/Project Admin/Inspection/Testing $ 28,000.00
New Sidewalk Cost $ 250,000.00
The project is included in the FY24 capital budget. Below are the estimated project revenues for the Stone School Road sidewalk:
Sidewalk Construction Millage - City parcels $ 105,000.00
Special Assessments/New Sidewalk District #64 $ 145,000.00
(construction costs for new sidewalk on township
island parcels to be funded by the City from the
METRO Exp Fund as a City Share Future Recoverable)
Total Revenue $ 250,000.00
Maintenance Impact
Routine maintenance, such as snow clearing, will be performed by adjacent property owners. Long-term repairs/replacement of sidewalk slabs will continue to be performed by the City as part of the annual sidewalk maintenance program.
Special Assessments & Resident Input
As called for in Chapter 13 of City Code, the cost of the addition of new sidewalk where none currently exists shall be borne by the parcels that benefit from it. Ancillary costs associated with the installation of new sidewalks, such as new crosswalks and ramps, retaining walls, tree removal and mitigation, and traffic control will be part of the City share.
On October 2, 2023, City Council approved Resolution 1 authorizing staff to undertake the new sidewalk work at Stone School Road as a special assessment project. Letters were sent to affected property owners that explained the special assessments within the project and invited them to attend an administrative hearing (public meeting) on October 30, 2023, to discuss the special assessment process, allow for questions and answers, and to collect feedback. Only three members of the public attended this meeting and did not voice any objections to the project.
Staff has received a few additional questions about the project since the meeting. Property owners are primarily concerned about the special assessment cost and the physical impacts on (or adjacent to) their properties. Staff will work with the property owners during the design process to mitigate impacts to their properties to the extent possible.
Special assessment amounts will be assessed against properties in proportion with the length of sidewalk that to be installed in front of them.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, Plans and specifications are in the process of being prepared for the 2024 Sidewalk Gap Project- Stone School Road, Sidewalk Special Assessment, District #64;
Whereas, In accordance with Chapter 13 of City Code, the cost for the addition of new sidewalk is to be borne by the benefitting parcels at locations where the adjacent property does not pay taxes to the City of Ann Arbor; and
Whereas, A construction estimate and appropriate funding sources have been established;
RESOLVED, That the City Council determines the cost of said sidewalk improvement, including all incidentals, to be approximately $250,000.00;
RESOLVED, That, of the total project costs for non-taxable parcels of $145,000.00 be fronted by the Metro Expansion Fund to be repaid by Special Assessment District #64 upon the properties specially benefited as a City Share Future Recoverable;
RESOLVED, That the following described lots and parcels of land be designated as constituting the Special Assessment District #64 against which the cost of said improvement shall be assessed: (SEE ATTACHED);
RESOLVED, That the City Assessor is hereby directed to prepare a special assessment roll in accordance with the foregoing determinations of the City Council and to file the same, together with his certificate attached thereto, with the City Clerk for presentation to the City Council; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.