Resolution to Restore Community Connections with Continuous, Comfortable Walking and Biking Facilities Across US-23
Whereas, The US-23 freeway was built along the east side of the City of Ann Arbor in 1962;
Whereas, The eight crossing opportunities along the east side of Ann Arbor were designed for high-speed motor vehicle movement and without accommodation for people walking and biking;
Whereas, The land adjacent to US-23 has developed across decades with a dense mix of residential, commercial, professional, medical, educational, and recreational purposes;
Whereas, Human demand to cross US-23 outside of a motor vehicle has existed since the freeway's opening, growing as more people live, work, and play in its immediate vicinity;
Whereas, The walking and cycling environments across US-23 are, in general, incomplete and hostile to people traveling outside of a motor vehicle;
Whereas, Transit is a key mobility strategy to achieve our mobility and carbon neutrality goals and the City is actively pursuing transit supportive land use with the expansion of TC-1 zoning districts including roads that intersect with US-23;
Whereas, The A2ZERO carbon neutrality plan calls for reducing vehicle miles traveled by 50% by 2030, which will require significant mode shift to walking, biking, and transit use;
Whereas, The Moving Together Towards Vision Zero Transportation Plan calls for addressing dangerous driving behavior and improving the safety and comfort of people walking and biking;
Whereas, The Moving Together Towards Vision Zero Transportation Plan calls for creating an All Ages and Abilities Bike network citywide;
Whereas, Safe, comfortable places to walk and bike promote community health, equity, social connection, and economic vitality;
Whereas, Expanding capacity for motor vehicles is expected to induce vehicular traffic demand;
Whereas, The Federal Highway Administration defines induced demand as the volume of traffic that is drawn to a...
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