Proclamation To Recognize the Equitable Engagement Initiative and Final Report
WHEREAS, The City of Ann Arbor wishes to advance equity by developing a shared understanding of what equity means for city policies, guidelines, and practices to help Ann Arbor be a more inclusive city; and
WHEREAS, Demographic data collection over the last four years has shown that community engagement attendees are not representative of the city’s diverse population; and
WHEREAS, A thirty-person Steering Committee was formed to represent new perspectives and to discuss how to implement more equitable engagement strategies. These recommendations were formalized in the report Achieving Equitable Engagement in Ann Arbor; and
WHEREAS, A multi-department team researched other communities’ best practices, inventoried our current resources and practices, and facilitated meetings with the Steering Committee for eighteen months; and
WHEREAS, A presentation of the Steering Committee’s recommendations was shared with the Planning Commission, Renters Commission, Human Rights Commission, Environmental Commission, Commission on Disability Issues, and the Energy Commission for feedback; and
WHEREAS, Community Engagement Specialists have already used the Steering Committee’s recommendations to make budget requests and have received funding for a digital engagement hub and a pilot liaison program.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christopher Taylor, Mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, express the community’s gratitude to the members of the Equitable Engagement Steering Committee for their commitment to advancing equity in the City of Ann Arbor’s public engagement strategy.
I hereby set my hand and seal
this 21st day of August, 2023
Christopher Taylor
Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor