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File #: 23-1168    Version: 1 Name: 8/7/23 - Ordinance to Amend Ch 55 (TC1 Uses, Auto-related and TC1 Development Use Specific Standards, Transit Corridor Additional Standards)
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 8/7/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/5/2023 Final action: 9/5/2023
Enactment date: 9/5/2023 Enactment #: ORD-23-25
Title: An Ordinance to Amend Sections 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (TC1 Uses, Auto-related and TC1 Development Use Specific Standards, Transit Corridor Additional Standards) (ORD-23-25)
Attachments: 1. ORD-23-25 Briefed and Approved.pdf, 2. ORD-23-25 Briefed.pdf, 3. C-2 As Amended at First Reading.pdf, 4. First Reading Ordinance (TC1 amendments) First Reading 8-7-2023.pdf, 5. April 18, 2023 Planning Staff Report, 6. 4-18-2023 CPC Approved Meeting Minutes.pdf, 7. Draft CPC Ordinance to Amend Ch 55 (CPC Public Hearing), 8. ORD-23-25 Approval Notice.pdf, 9. WLN clipping ORD-23-25 TC1 - Public Hearing Notice.pdf, 10. WLN clipping ORD-23-25 TC1 - Approval Notice.pdf
Related files: 22-1960, 22-2034, 23-0677, 23-1973, 23-1635


An Ordinance to Amend Sections 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (TC1 Uses, Auto-related and TC1 Development Use Specific Standards, Transit Corridor Additional Standards) (ORD-23-25)


Several amendments are proposed to permit limited auto-related uses in the TC1 (Transit Corridor) district and improve and clarify the additional standards applicable to development in the TC1 district. General background information and a summary of each amendment is provided below.


                     Background:  By City Council Resolution R-22-390, the Planning Commission evaluated and recommended amendments to the TC1 district to incorporate limited automobile-related uses and address constraints of existing narrow rights-of-way. The attached ordinance proposes to incorporate Automobiles, Motorcycles, Recreation Vehicles, Equipment (Sales and Rental) and Automobiles, Trucks and Construction Equipment Repair as special exception uses in the TC1 district. Addressing constraints of existing narrow rights-of-way will be provided separate when available.

                     Amendments:  The proposed amendments respond to Resolution R-22-390 as well as include work to clarify how the additional development standards apply to various building typologies. Following Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve these amendments, staff further reworked how these additional standards are presented in the UDC and propose moving them from Section 5.16 Use Specific Standards to Section 5.17 Area, Height and Placement Regulations because they are in fact area, height and placement regulations rather than use specific standards.

                     Table 5.15-1 (Primary Uses) of Section 5.15.1 Primary Uses

o                     Two new uses are permitted with special exception use approval in the TC1 district:  Automobiles, Motorcycles, Recreation Vehicles, Equipment (Sales and Rental) and Automobiles, Trucks and Construction Equipment Repair. 

o                     References to Section 5.16.3.P (Transit Corridor Development Use Specific Standards) are removed.

o                     Designated Marijuana Consumption Facility and Restaurant, Bar, Food Service are moved from the Sales type uses to Hospitality to facilitate future amendments if desired.

                     Section 5.16.3.C Commercial Uses Specific Standards

o                     The existing use specific standards for Automobile, Truck, Construction Equipment Repair in the C2B (Business Service) district will apply in the TC1 district.

                     Section 5.15.6.P Transit Corridor Development Use Specific Standards including Table 5.16-2

o                     Deleted. See Section 5.17.

                     Table 5.17-4 (Mixed Use Zoning District Dimensions) of Section 5.17 Mixed Use Zoning Districts

o                     Reference to Section 5.16.3.P changed to Section 5.17.7

                     Section 5.17 Transit Corridor Districts

o                     New section added

o                     Previous table reconfigured to simply address sites, buildings in general, and additional requirements for specific building types, and numbers are provided for each row to make referencing easier.

o                     Development Arrangement no longer specifies blocks may not exceed 250 feet in length, clarifying how the dimension applies, and appears as Building Dimension standard.

o                     Building Frontage for previous building typologies and lot sizes consolidated into a single requirement and now addresses when a single site has multiple blocks.

o                     Building Dimensions specify the maximum width of a building cannot exceed 250 feet and the maximum building diagonal requirements apply to all types of buildings on any lot size.

o                     References to public streets, transit corridors, and intersections are consolidated and simplified as public streets or signalized intersections.


The City Planning Commission’s Ordinance Revisions Committee discussed the proposed amendment concepts on December 12, 2022. Following a public hearing on April 18, 2023, the City Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed amendments.


Attachments:                     Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (TC1 Uses, Auto-related and TC1 Development Use Specific Standards, Transit Corridor Additional Standards)

                     April 18, 2023 Planning Staff Report
April 18, 2023 Planning Commission Minutes


Prepared by:                     Alexis DiLeo, City Planner

Reviewed by:                     Brett Lenart, Planning Manager

                     Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator

Approved by:                     Milton Dohoney, Jr., City Administrator


(See Attached Ordinance)