Resolution to Approve the Purchase of a Towable Woodchipper from Bandit Industries Inc. (MiDeal - NTE $129,970.00)
The attached resolution approves the purchase of one new Bandit 21XP towable woodchipper through the State of Michigan MiDeal cooperative purchasing program for use by the Public Works Unit of the Public Services Area.
This woodchipper will be used by Public Works forestry staff to aid in their day-to-day operations. They will also use this for major storm clean up when the City experiences a high volume of downed trees, limbs, and branches.
Bandit Industries Inc. of Remus, MI was awarded contract #190000000301 by the MiDeal cooperative purchasing program for forestry equipment.
Bandit Industries Inc. complies with the requirements of the City’s conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Adequate funding for the purchase of this equipment is available in the FY24 Fleet Services Fund Operations and Maintenance budget.
This woodchipper will be placed on a 10-year replacement schedule which is consistent with our other woodchippers. Public Works will have an annual replacement cost of approximately $15,720.20 for this woodchipper.
Green Fleet Policy:
The Green Fleet Committee approved the need for this woodchipper, that the proposed replacement is consistent with the Green Fleet Policy and recommended the approval of this resolution. The Sustainability and Innovations Manager has concurred with the actions of the Committee.
Prepared by: CJ Stegink, Fleet Supervisor
Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet & Facilities Unit Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Deputy City Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The Fleet & Facilities Unit needs to purchase one towable woodchipper for the City’s fleet;
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by the State of Michigan MiDeal cooperative purchasing program and Bandit Industries Inc. of Remus, MI was awarded contract #190000000301 for forestry equipment;
Whereas, Bandit Industries Inc. complies with the requirements of the City’s Conflict of Interest and Non-Discrimination Ordinances; and
Whereas, Adequate funding for the purchase of this equipment is available in the FY24 Fleet Services Fund Operations and Maintenance budget.
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the issuance of a purchase order to Bandit Industries Inc. for the purchase of one new Bandit 21XP towable woodchipper at $129,970.00;
RESOLVED, That funds for the purchase of this woodchipper in the amount of $129,970.00 comes from the FY24 Fleet Services Fund Operations and Maintenance budget, with funds to be available without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the equipment being replaced (no. 6918) be sold at the next City vehicle auction after the equipment is removed from service; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to implement this resolution.