Resolution to Approve Extension No. 1 to the Contract with P.K. Contracting, LLC for Pavement Marking Maintenance - FY2024 ($483,240.00)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to approve Extension No. 1 to the Contract with P.K. Contracting, LLC for pavement marking maintenance (RFP: 22-38), in the amount of up to $483,240.00 for the citywide maintenance of pavement markings in fiscal year 2024.
This project involves replacing pavement markings on streets throughout the City, including markings to delineate traffic and bike lanes, markings at intersections, markings at school and mid-block crossings, those required for traffic calming features, and miscellaneous others.
The City approved a contract with P.K. Contracting, LLC for pavement marking maintenance in FY2023. This contract provides for a one-year extension for FY2024 by mutual agreement. The City has repeatedly approved a similar contract with P.K. Contracting, Inc. in numerous prior years. Most often, this contractor is the lone responder to bid solicitations for this type of work. City staff recommends extending this contract for one year, which will lock in prices for fiscal year 2024.
This contract extension is a unit price contract, created with the understanding that the actual quantities used in construction will vary. Staff expects work under this contract to begin after the execution of the contract and to be complete by June 30, 2024.
P.K. Contracting, LLC complies with the City of Ann Arbor Non-Discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for this work is available in the adopted FY2024 Public Services Area, Major Street Fund, Local Street Fund, and Alternative Transportation Fund Operation and Maintenance Budgets. Operationally, these improvements will benefit the safety of patrons using the City's motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. The availability of funds and needed pavement marking maintenance and replacement i...
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