Resolution to Approve the Request from Kerrytown Concert House, Inc. for a New Club Liquor License to be Held in Conjunction with a Dance Permit and an Entertainment Permit, Located at 415 N. 4th Avenue, d/b/a Kerrytown Concert House
Attached is a resolution to approve the request from Kerrytown Concert House for a New Club Liquor License to be held in conjunction with a Dance Permit and an Entertainment Permit, located at 415 N. 4th Avenue. Kerrytown Concert House (KCH) is a nonprofit arts venue, primarily presenting live music experiences in a variety of genres including chamber music, jazz, world music, and cabaret. Sales of alcoholic beverages will be only at concerts and a few other club events, mostly on evenings and weekends. Some concerts feature an open dance floor. The organization whose administrative/office hours are typically Monday-Friday daytime business hours, has three full-time employees and a pool of part-time employees for assistance during concerts. Kerrytown Concert House does not normally serve food. KCH Founders Club members are loyal patrons and supporters of KCH whose annual financial contributions meet specified levels.
The Police, Planning and Development, Building Department, Treasurer, Fire Services, and the Council Liquor License Review Committee approved the application. There are no delinquent property taxes, all application fees are paid, and there are no objections from City Staff.
Prepared by : Rachel Weinberg, Administrative Assistant
Reviewed by: Jacqueline Beaudry, City Clerk
Sponsored by: Council Liquor License Review Committee
RESOLVED, That the request from Kerrytown Concert House, Inc. for a New Club Liquor License to be Held in Conjunction with a Dance Permit and an Entertainment Permit, located at 415 N. 4th Ave., d/b/a Kerrytown Concert House, be approved.
Sponsored by: Council Liquor License Review Committee