Resolution to Authorize Professional Services Agreements for General Civil Engineering Services with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC (Not-to-Exceed $400,000.00) Hubbell, Roth, & Clark, Inc. (Not-to-Exceed $550,000.00) and OHM Advisors (Not-to-Exceed $550,000.00) for Three Years (RFP #23-16)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing 3-year professional services agreements with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC (Tetra Tech), Hubbell, Roth, & Clark, Inc. (HRC), and OHM Advisors (OHM) for as-needed, general civil engineering services for the Public Works and Systems Planning Units.
These units perform an array of services including design and management of capital improvement projects, asset management, utility modeling, solid waste management, utility emergency response and general engineering design. At times the demand for engineering services exceeds City capacity. The proposed agreements will supplement and support these units' staff as needed.
In March 2023, the City published an appropriate RFP (#23-16) and received proposals from 7 consultants. Staff selected Tetra Tech, HRC and OHM based on their qualifications, experience, work plans, and fee quotations. Securing multiple firms for as-needed services enables the City to select the most qualified firm for each task.
Scores for each consultant:
* HRC 94.3/100
* OHM 90.9/100
* TetraTech 89.2/100
Tetra Tech, HRC and OHM provided the required Living Wage and Non-Discrimination Compliance Forms with their proposals.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The services provided by these professional service agreements will be paid for within the approved FY24 Operating and Capital Budgets, for which services are rendered, and will be available in subsequent annual Operating and Capital Budgets if approved by City Council.
Prepared by: Jennifer Lawson, Water Quality Manager
Kyle Pettibone, Public Works Engineer
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Public Services A...
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