Resolution to Allow Curbside Placement of Household Items to Promote the Circular Economy
Prepared by: John Reiser, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Reviewed by: Missy Stults, Director of Sustainability and Innovations
Sarah Mason, Resource Recovery Manager
Whereas, City Council unanimously adopted the A2ZERO Carbon Neutrality Plan which included significant support for advancing the circular economy;
Whereas, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has stated that a circular economy keeps materials and products in circulation for as long as possible, reduces the use of materials, and is less resource-intensive;
Whereas, Work on the circular economy is an area of deep interest in the public because in helps to address climate change by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources; and
Whereas, Public Services and the Office of Sustainability and Innovations have been collaborating to help advance the circular economy by hosting neighborhood swap days, creating a neighborhood swap day replication guide, creating a circular economy map, and additional activities;
RESOLVED, That Ann Arbor residents be allowed to place Household Items near their curbs, as set forth in the proposed amendments to Chapter 26 (Solid Waste), Legistar File ID 23-1110;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator direct Community Standards to refrain from enforcing violations of Section 2:12 of the City Code of Ann Arbor against residents who have otherwise complied with requirements for placing Household Items near the curb, as set forth in the proposed amended ordinance; and
RESOLVED, That this resolution continues until either the effective date of the proposed amendments to Chapter 26, or upon the failure of City Council to approve the amendments, whichever occurs first.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Cornell, Briggs, Disch, and Akmon